Wednesday, November 4, 2020

"...Election Week"

Trump declared himself the winner at 2:38 am. This mess now goes to the Courts. Biden at 238 EC votes Trump 213 EC votes. 

Mail ballots still to be counted in many states.

...logging off.


  1. On the tentative up side this was foreseen.

    A red wave of in person votes with a days lagging blue wall of votes.
    Michigan hasn't even yet tabulated the mail in votes.
    They say that will take another day.

    Final numbers expected Friday/Saturday.
    Btw the GOP "suggests" that most mail-in's should now be destroyed since the election is already over.

    This is going to be a long ugly week.
    Mobs attacking the mail counting stations is not out of the question.

  2. Holy shit! Lets hope those mail in votes make the difference. We can't stand another four years of madness like this!

  3. Destroying mail in votes would be popular with our service-men.


"...Fire Sale!"

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