Wednesday, August 12, 2020

"Progress",...As for American racial violence, and abuse. What gets me is we had to wait for the tech to evolve to where everyone has a video camera, and transmitter in their back pocket. This for the world to believe us.

We had been telling them this was going on for over 140 years. Now you know. We can't escape the physical experience, and now you can't escape the images of it. This don't make us even. It just makes you Aware.


  1. Robert Smith, CEO of a major investment firm and the richest Black American, says American companies should pay reparations for slavery

  2. I'll take mine in gold, and tax free properties thanks.
    Of course there's that 1932 sky blue Bugatti with lifetime matinance petrol, and free insurance.

    Even with all this the fuckers are getting off easy for what my ancestors my family, and myself have had to eat everyday all day for our whole lives.

    Oh you don't think it's so bad for Darkies?

    Fine,...we'll make you Black for a day...just a day.
    No hiding you have to walk around Black in America for a full 24 hours...longer would get you killed.
    A full 24 hours of eating shit, and having your very existence assaulted demeaned tortured. You'll be in therapy for the rest of your safe white life.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...