Monday, February 17, 2020


I've been watching a few responsible YouTube channels concerning the Coronavirus. Dr. John Campbell's non-panicked rational Coronavirus daily reports.


The video below is mostly unedited phone videos from Chinese folks documenting what they're seeing over there. 
Folks dragged off the streets from their homes or locked in them. Even having metal bars or locks wielded onto their doors to keep them in.

"Bring out your Dead"

City government vans go about neighborhoods collecting the remains of those that died at home. I watched as they put in yet another. They opened the back door to the van, was full of remains. It was Medieval.

It is also apparently not unusual for persons to die on the streets. To collapse in mid-stride, and pass away just there. Footage of EMT crews removing these.

Hospital scenes full of the newly dead even some dying on camera. The sick in convulsions families weeping bodies being removed. The dead in hallways or stacked in waiting rooms,...with people still sitting there waiting for "treatment'. Some Chinese hospitals are visions of hell. 

Where just weeks ago all was normal. 
It seems rather worse than China is admitting to.

Other than these end of the world visons that's all I have.
I watch those above channels, and note that the mainstream media here is low balling the whole thing for economic reasons. 

China is now in near total online lock down. 
In the video cops are going to people's houses who had been posting about all this. 'Telling them to delete all their shit or else.

ere in the land of the somewhat free. Post all the weird shit ya want. The government likes it when we post panic, and lies. 

'Helps their narrative.

However take normal precautions,...wash ya hands when you come in, and try not to touch ya face...not possible, but try.

On the home front my
flu symptoms are still moderate.

Officially there are only 4 or so CV cases in the States, none in NYC.
Of course there's rumors about cases all over town,...even in this 'Hood.
I doubt this, but then we don't know since we can't trust what we're told.

China is admitting to about 73k with the virus. 
Which means it could be close to half a million or more in reality. About 2000 deaths officially which means maybe 20k. ...this explains the cremation of those bodies being picked up by satellites last week.

With that math there's a few thousand cases here,...not 4.
However this is just my fake news conjecture.

We'll see where this goes.

I keep reading that this is the new 1918 Spanish Flu. It could be. It's certainly spreading at a fast clip around the world. Well, safe be cautious, but don't go nuts.

This shit puts all of our crap,...white Nazis the erosion of the rule of law #45 saying his demented shit all day. Puts that noise in it's place. Seems we have real shit to worry about.

Remember drink heavily, and take hard narcotics.

( Full disclosure. The source for this sez that two or three items may not be from the Coronavirus. In particular the suicides, and bloody vomit event at the end,...these are unrelated independent events.)

1 comment:

  1. About people dropping dead suddenly on the street: it appears that even if you recover from it, you can catch this bug a second time; and if you do, it attacks the heart and you are likely to die from a sudden heart attack. We do NOT want this bug.


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