Tuesday, December 31, 2019


The Sun, and Moon have chased each other across the skies.
They have brought us to the Eve of a New Year.
Bless you all.

Monday, December 30, 2019


G-d spoke, and there was light.
She sang, and there was life.
She Dreamed
and painted the void with Love, and Fire.


The Stars watch you.
Colors never stop loving you.
'And even this is not yet the Dream.


Holograms were once printed on glass. If broken each piece held the entire 3-D image. 10,000 shards with a unique view of the whole.
This is how we see each other the world all life even g-d.

We are one with the whole.
Living it though the prisms of unique souls. 

Saturday, December 28, 2019

"...a silly fantasy"

"Here's another Time Portal Story of a kind."
If I was host of a black, and white 50's TV program.
In an alternate history if I was born 30 years earlier.
If so This would be my 1956 outro script.

Outro theme,...live w/ recorded effects.
Canned applause, Uncle Sydney's live outro...
"Good night folks, and thanks for coming by."
"Remember next week our special guests will be Elenore Roosevelt, and "Chee Chee" the amazing singing dog!"
"Goodnight drive carefully, and please give to the Charity of your choice."
Switch to live audience applause/canned effects.
"So long G-d bless, and see you here next week."
Applause slowly fades...Que announcer.
Network Announcer,...booth six,
"Uncle Sydney's True Life Adventures" was brought to you by "Dr. Pepper" the makers of fine cleaning products. Tonight's alternate sponsor "Flame Guard" protect your home protect your children with special formula Asbestos "Flame Guard!"
"The Uncle Sydney Dancers appeared courtesy of Sydneyco Enterprises Ltd."
"The Uncle Sydney Negro Puppet theater is a co-production of the DuMont Television Network, and the Imperial Japanese Greater Pacific Co-Prosperity Sphere Media Combine."
Outro theme applause bed fades out.
"Please stay tuned to most of these DuMont stations for "Amos, and Andy 2020".
Que "A&A" slide..., and announcer.
"Laughs aplenty as Lightning invents a time machine, and the King Fish who thinks it's a toaster accidentally goes to the year 2020. This will be coming up after these brief commercial announcements."
Local Announcer,...booth one,
"You're tuned to WNBT, Channel 6, Edison New Jersey."
"The time is exactly 8:29 pm est."
Play local PSA...
Que Ajax, DDT, and 1956 Nash Rambler commercials.
Que network feed for Amos, and Andy...

In an Alternate History America. One without segregation. Also if I were born a few decades earlier. I think I'd have been a writer for those 50's sitcoms, and variety shows.

Friday, December 27, 2019



Weep my Children Weep.
The Dreaded "Kosbohackum"
The Spirit of Christmas Despair is upon us.

Kosbohackum is visiting 50,000,000+ Poor Americans.
Despair, and be without Hope.
Have you seen him yet?

Be calm be patient for he is coming.

"...such as it is"

I remember when Black Dolls were rare.
They were very few, and shabbily made.
These were an afterthought for the Negro market.

If you're of an age
You may remember Cabbage Patch dolls.
In the 1970's they were a must have gift.
They made Black ones.
None as in near Zero sold.

Whites wouldn't go near them in a Hazmat Suit.
That, and Blacks weren't into the demented Cabbage Craze.

There has since been progress.

Whites buy these above as they buy Rap music.
Most Rap music is this country is bought by whites.
As is the tradition.
Whites are fascinated by our culture however
still despise us as people.

They let Black fashion dolls into their homes.
They'd do that before they'd ever imagine
having a Black person cross their door way.

Such is as it is.


"A New Year A New Hope"

"אור חנוכה"

"כבד באמצעות אומץ וחוכמה"

Thursday, December 26, 2019


I visited, and sat in my childhood church for a while today.
It's all still there all the mysteries, and contradictions.

All the memories too. While meditating on these I was happy to see the stained glass had been restored. Color, and light. This is all that's really needed.


I make my pretty things for their own sakes. I make them so they will exist. I make them because these are the worlds I want to live in. Even if such a worlds can never be.

"...pick one"

The one the bottom was most likely what the historical Jesus was like. Jesus the person the human being. 
The other guy was who the Nuns gave me. Later I was offered a sub-Saharan Black Jesus. I was never too sure about either. However the guy on the bottom wins. 

At least for me. 

The same folks that were there then are there now. 
So Jesus probably looked like Anwar Sadat or the guy that ran the grocery store in my 'hood when I was a kid.
We don't know anything about him really. 
At most maybe a paragraph or so of his words might be authentic. The rest time, and history has altered. I've seen it altered by assorted sects in my lifetime. Multiply that by twenty centuries. 

As for his appearance. 
Each group that has adopted the faith has re-made him in their image. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


My 'Hood began as an Orthodox Jewish one.
Southern Blacks began to move in during the 1940's
My Aunt brought a house then my father in the 1950's.
There was some white flight.
However not all or even most. Jews are different this way.

In particular because so many were Holocaust survivors.
This was part of my childhood.

I now live where I began. A circle has closed.
Seeing those green sometimes blue-black numbers.
This on their arms or wrists.
This was a  common sight in my growing up.

It had an effect.



A Christmas Tree in my Hood.
This last year when we had a bit of snow.


"WW1~Christmas Truce"
December 25th 1914


I think this was the point.

"Star of Wonder"

I remember.
During one overdose as a lad
 I was awake as my heart stopped.
I was dead, but still aware.

An interesting evening that.
From this I learned that we live as long as we're supposed to.

"...tick tock"

Some are like Gawd, and her family.
They sometimes live outside of time.
Dolls for instance.


Looking forward to 2020. I mean it can't be worse that 2019. Except for #45 being re-elected, and Negros Hispanics Queers Liberals, and the Literate being shipped to,...holding centers. 

This for our own good. Protective custody all that.

Also my health seems to be stabilizing,...some what. 
So looks like I ain't dropping death as soon as I thought. I guess I should makes plans for a life after February after all. 
That, and I'm living normally even going out sometimes. 

Imagine that.

For a change the government isn't taking stuff from me. Instead I'm getting the shit I was supposed to be getting,...finally. 
At least till they realize their mistake, and take it all back with interest. Shit I can half understand being French. 

At least they let their old folks live.

So a happy Holidaze what there is of it, and a happy New Year.
It'll probably suck like this one, but fuck it we're alive.

See ya around.

"Like being in a Library only more Expensive"

Well I was up all night, and I think I did it! I've invented the electric book! The downside is ya need 36 AA batteries. Actually a car battery would be better,...or a very long extension cord.

Although I've heard there's this Kindle nonsense, and that Interweb contraption thing. Bleep'em!

I hope to have the "Uncle Sidney Majik Electric Book" on the market in time for Nikola Tesla's birthday!
Yes it's like being in a Library,...only much more expensive.

Yep now ya Cooking with Gas!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

"Deus amor est"

If the Jesus of history the human person. If he were alive today. If he lived in any of dozens of disputed warring regions on this earth today.  He'd be in an interment camp. ...perhaps soon to be killed.


Luke 2:9-12
And, lo, the Angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the Angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

Monday, December 23, 2019

"Middle Heaven"


"Diva, and Model Charlie w/Pal back in the day"


I just loves this picture of Carmen Miranda.
It cheers me up just to look at it.
It makes me want to put fruit on my head, and DANCE!

"Our Lives"

I'm certain that in other lives I was a warrior. That, and a mother many times. Many lives with great broods of loud wild wonderful children. I think this is my first life in a big city. I have this feeling about wilderness, and sometimes farms. 

My family had a dairy farm down south long ago. If things were just slightly different I'd have been down there running the place with my brother. Though my brother is gone now. So I suppose I'd be about ready to hand it over to either his or my sons. 

We are so many people so many realities so many lives that are faintly remembered...like dreams on waking. We wake, and a whole life is on the tip of our souls,...then gone.

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" (sidneyinhell.blogspot.com) This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...