Saturday, November 2, 2019

"I'm Voting for this Guy"

Chester Mary Ellen Bumstead.

Comrade Chester here just announced he's tossing his tiara 
into the ring to be Emperor of the Earth.
Which is, and for a short time further
The President of the United States of America.

His two point program for peace, and prosperity 
is the soul of wit, and brevity.

Sez Chester, "...First. Everybody stop fucking everybody else the fuck over. This will solve all war want oppressions, and stupidities.
"After that we bring in the Golden Age."

"Any questions?"

Yep Vote Chester a Multi-gendered sweet soul for our times.
He also suggests that nude swimming at Boy Scout jamborees be at once re-instated. No reason,...Chester just thinks it better that way. Ya know like them old time Greek folks did.

He's got my Vote!


  1. He's got my vote too!
    No doubt about it!

  2. Hey Vote early, and often.
    'ol Chester there is counting on us!

    Remember put sugar in their gas tanks, and plaster up Queer boy porn everywhere!


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...