Thursday, November 7, 2019

"How to deal with Shit"


  1. "It is amusing to read reviews of Burroughs that try to classify his books as nonbooks or as failed science fiction. It is a little like trying to criticize the sartorial and verbal manifestations of a man who is knocking on the door to explain that flames are leaping from the roof of our home. Burroughs is not asking merit marks as a writer; he is trying to point to the shut-on button of an active and lethal environmental process." -Marshall McLuhan "On Burroughs" 1964

  2. Such is the fate of all authentic prophets.

  3. See? Nothing to worry about. Everything is under control.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...