Friday, October 18, 2019

"Gals in Space"

Guys have been farting in their space suits for near 60 years. They just got around to letting Women on the International Space Station have a shot. "Gals in Space". A one episode fall replacement for "Colored People in Space".

"White Guys in Space" of course continues on the NASA channel.


  1. Who cares? The space age is winding down. Also I'm sick of triumphalist identitarianism. Except for bunnies of course.

  2. Well the American Imperial Era, and it's space program is over...has been for a few decades really. I mean you seen any third or forth generation space shuttles around?

    We let our astronauts burn to death in 30 year old space planes because we were both too stupid, and greedy to fund newer ones.
    That sums it up.

    The rest of the world, and private business is just getting started in space. The Moon planets the Ring are all theirs. We'll just be paying customers. Just as we are when going to the International Space Station.

    Note it's the International,...not the American space station. We refused to finish funding it so the world stepped in finished the job. They re-named it the I.S.S. for the International Space Station.

    Not the U.S.S. Liberty which it was when we started sending the parts up there. Our day is done. We're just too greedy stupid, and venal to stay dead.


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