Thursday, August 8, 2019


I feel like deleting everything since the beginning of this murderous summer, and starting over. Just cancel the summer, and go into fall fresh without bloodshed bodies hatred mayhem confusion, and despair.

1 comment:

  1. This is just a standard civilizational decline, nothing to get too worked up about. There's nothing going on that Attila and his merry band wouldn't have done, given modern hardware. Of course, we all hope to avoid the blades and bullets ourselves, as who would not? But we also all know that awful stuff has been going on around the world all the time, all our lives; this is just closer to home.

    Yesterday I received an email invite to attend the Ren Faire I mentioned, the one in the world's garlic capitol where that shooting took place. I haven't been in many years; it's not a great location - too dusty, flat and hot - it's inconveniently far away (I hate driving long distances these days), and too expensive anyway. And yeah, the shootings kind of give one pause about attending crowded big outdoor events.

    BTW, I've heard that in that case they shot down the shooter within about a minute of when he started, no doubt saving many lives.


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