Saturday, June 22, 2019

"G-d is going to send this whole country to Hell"

In American Concentration Camps we show little kids cartoons.
 We give them foil to sleep in too. So see they ain't so bad.
Well some are dying they get molested go unwashed, and such. 
Also we seem to have lost track of hundreds of them. 
However as Fox News always sez,...
"It's their own fault for trying to come here."


  1. Most countries are pretty bad these days, but USA and China head the list. You guys have a totally insane leader just like China.
    What next? Total surveillance and concentration camps like this poor kid is in.

  2. Not "next" it's here.

    We have more people in prison,...the poor, and un-white. More in percentage, and actual numbers than any country on earth.

    More than China North Korea Russia or Iran.

    We're in a many decades long Race, and Culture War.

    These chained multi-millions are the POWs.

  3. Yes Ozmania, Sidney is right. It is already here.
    It is growing worse by the day.
    "Shades of the prison house," Wordsworth wrote, "begin to close upon the growing boy."

  4. Cruelty is now deeply embedded in the American soul.

    Somali pirates are more humane:

    Maybe they should take our place at the UNHRC.

    I bet there are more black slaves in America today than there were in the antebellum South. Only now we call them "prisoners."

  5. Three+ millions of Americans in US Federal prisons State prisons, local city country jails juvenile detention, and military brigs. Add in long probations,...up to 5/10 years partial supervision electronic ankle braces work release, and related holds on freedom. It's near Five Millions.

    Most are of African decent the rest Hispanics, and poor Whites.

    The Black portion of this population equals or slightly out numbers the number of 19th century U.S. Slaves.

    There were near Four Millions, ...4,000,000 Black Slaves in the U.S. in 1860. The year before the Civil War.

    My great great grandmother who held me in her arms a few months after I was born in 1950 was one of them.


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