Monday, December 24, 2018


I was feeling lonely edgy the Yule stuff can do that. I got my time portal unit out of the fridge. Eh, keeps better under 48f. I set it for farthest than I've ever gone. Three thousand years.


Specifically the Bronx February 26th 11:16am 5018~CE. I figured that part of the former City would be above water. was. There you see the ancient subway exit of the #2 IRT line. The 241st Street/Wakefield Avenue stop.

I climbed the overgrown stone stairway to an open air of wilderness. What was still of the city was engulfed in semi-tropical rain forest. Much as the Inca cities were before it. Though late winter it was very warm, and humid. Giant dragonflies flew above.

No trace of people as far as I could see.

Though they may be further inland. 3k years is long enough for a successor culture to take root,...I hope. However New York the portions above the deeper ocean is home to insects, and small mammals.

I sat on a moss covered log, and read my emails.

Oh how brief are empires.


  1. "We come upon a contention which is so astonishing that we must dwell upon it. This contention holds that what we call our civilization is largely responsible for our misery, and that we should be much happier if we gave it up and returned to primitive conditions. I call this contention astonishing because, in whatever way we may define the concept of civilization, it is a certain fact that all the things with which we seek to protect ourselves against the threats that emanate from the sources of suffering, are part of that very civilization."

    -Sigmund Freud "Civilization and Its Discontents"

  2. In other words you want poetry, and toilets you have to take death camps, and taxes too. No way around it. Serious smarty pants folks have tried, and came up no dice.

  3. The world is one vast death camp. Admit it.
    "To those who do not know that the world is on fire, I have nothing to say." --Brecht

  4. True.

    There are Camps for all manner of unwanted in the world.

    From the slave markets of Libya to the mass killing of Gypsies in Turkmenistan to the Queer Concentration Camps of Eastern Europe the Ukraine, and now I hear secret interments in Russia.

    The ongoing ethnic hunts, and slaughters in Africa. The slow bleeds in the USA.

    We all wait our turn in the Oven.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...