Tuesday, November 30, 2021

"...end of days"

I deliberately avoid most news. I mean what's the point. Sadly, some leaks through. There are crawls all over everything online now. Seems Vax maker Moderna sez their product many not completely resist the new COVID strain Omicron. 

Yeah, like I sez it sounds like a planet on Star Trek. Markets are freaked out. If this thing is as scary as suggested major lockdowns are inevitable. The economy will tank even more than it has.

I might as well have been shooting up meth Speedballs all this time. Save me them trips to them Vax-bus things. Would 'a had so many seriously sweet highs too. 

I'm sitting tight, and doing what I been doing for two years. Staying the fuck away from crowds of assholes, and minding my own damned business.  

That's my choice. Others especially in red states are free to choose getting sick, and some dying. This Omicron thing is supposed to be 500 times more fucked up than COVID lite. Dunno if I buy that shit...fear mongering to get the rubes into the Vax-tent. However, it can still eat you up pretty good.

On da upside this will make keeping the House more likely despite Biden. So many of #45's pals will be too busy crapping themselves to death than voting. Yeah, not a nice thing to say...bleep it. This is war. Merry Fucking Christmas.

Monday, November 29, 2021

  "Be~Bop Hot!"


"...One wonders"

Beware inking down of your dreams. They’ll either end up in some future holy scripture, and or as evidence at your trial. This runs through my mind as I try to make a kind of coherent sense of my dreams of late. Time is not linear, and space warps. The damned thing stretches contracts, and twists. Like origami on crack whiskey, and pastries. I mean just ask Niels Bohr…he’ll give you an earful.

Else-where, and Else-when. We’re not from here. I wonder if all the stories, and wonderings that dreamers keep putting before our eyes. I wonder if they come from the same place. One soul seven billion bodies. I wonder.

Family. You’re my family, and friends. All I have in the world. Some my blood relatives some chosen family. We chose each other. A digital hearth, and home. If done right these platforms of meeting could be such a miracle. It is, but could be so much more. More heart, and introspection will get us there.

Else-where else-when. We’re not from here.

Well, that would confirm certain oddities from early childhood. Hearing singing as I fell to sleep. Seeing the sky as different colors from what I was told it was. Remembering sight of the Earth from above, and far away. I saw our cloud covered home as we see it now. I saw it as it really is before there was the evidence of science. In my life others have confided the same. Wonders unexplained. Not from here. Given things a common conclusion. Be well be kind be safe.

 "Diva Charlie, and Pal back in the day"


 "Middle Heaven"

 "...Zilla at it Again!"

(...A Sid Toons Production.)


 "Les épées volantes"


 "Vita continuat"

My life.

 "Moments Before the End"

Random Large Rocks from the Sky
Settled the Whole Matter


Back when they delivered your milk in bottles cars had fins TV was small b&w, and Good King John was on the Throne. Back in the glorious times when comic books were 10. cents, and they gave you a free Coke with your hot dog at the movies.

Back in them forever lost years of the former American Empire...I thought I could Fly.
Made sense. Every night we sat either at the park or in the backyard to watch the Satellites slowly sail over us. Light pollution was in the future so we knew the night sky.

The stars, and their arraignment as constellations. So we knew them. So we knew it when something new appeared. Oh, those magical ships of the stars. We lived in an age of Miracles.

Given this I truly believed that I could fly. Leap into the air from my boyhood bedroom.  Into the starry night, and fly to my Aunt Sybil's house to surprise her.

I think kids 'do' fly, and perform any number of miraculous acts as a matter of norm. ...they don't tell us. They know we wouldn't believe them. The know we'd medicate, and shut them away.

The "Peter Pan" myth is an echo of these secret adventures. What kids for endless years have had enjoyed...then forgot. This as life bullied, and beat it out of them.

Maybe there is a far side of the moon Never-land. That or any of the thousand names children have for the Magic Place.

Maybe without knowing in our anxieties confusions needs.  This is what we're all trying to retrieveTo the elder children ...Bless you, and keep looking.

 "Beauty, & Grace"

 "Amber Skies"

 "Time Gate"


A kid's Holidaze should be as insanely weird fun, and happy as this!
"Hey kid don't forget to bring me that six pack of beer, and ganja pie on ya way back, and try not to kill anybody while driving at 80mph on the damned sidewalks...again!"

Ah the Yule!

It just brings out the deranged vandal in us all. Burn smash drink, and laugh for the end times are upon our butts at last!!

Gawd has cut off the heat water, and power for the planet, and the new tenants want us out by the end of the month!

We're free to roam the Stars!


 "Advent Days"

 "Of Christmases' Long Ago"

On the other hand.

I think I'll drink heavily do drugs smash things. 
Then kill myself for Christmas this year.
Makes sense given things. 

Yeah, this contradicts the whole cute thread above.
I'm like that you know this.
Anyway, it was a very bad night. 
I hold hope, and despair in my hands at the same time. 
A common practice, I think.

 "Ангелы победоносные"

 "Peter Pan on Ice"


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" (sidneyinhell.blogspot.com) This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...