Friday, August 17, 2018

"Hot Shit"

I'd rather Root Beer in all this bleeping Steam,
But okay. This will do
It's a Fucking Emergency!
With the Humidity counted in it's 348f Degrees.

Btw the whole of the Northern Hemisphere is roasting.
The Middle East has temps of over 120,...sustained.
In California parts of Los Angeles hit 117f in July.
That, and the whole State is burning down.
Europe is a fried shithole
Even fucking Siberia has hit the 100's

This is just the start.
New Climate is here to stay.
We're going to have to figure out how to survive in it. 
All that half assed bullshit about fixing shit is over.
 Done Ka-Fucking-Putt.

Welcome to the time that was put off for 40 years.
Those years where we could have tempered this shit.
We threw them away.

Welcome to Hell.


I'm enjoying my iced tea while I can.
One day not to long from now.
It will be worth it's weight in Cocaine.


  1. I’m chilly here. In fact I’ve got a cold. But the rest of the state, as you say, is burning.



  2. Both of me feel this way.


  3. We're getting the Smoke from your Holocaust back East here. It smells like burnt rubber. Granted it must have picked up assorted seasoning along the way.

  4. Come to think of it there *was* a giant pile of tires some way south of here that burned spontaneously for years. I don’t know if it ever stopped.

    My friend who lost his house to fire three years ago is *still* waiting for a rebuild. Turns out every agency at all levels of govt. wants to dip its sticky fingers into his insurance.


  5. Well of course they do.

    The Libertarians, and Fox News Nazis are right in this one respect.

    Government is your enemy.

    It's just a matter of degree.

    Under Obama they kept deducting from Social Security, and elders including me had to fight to get it back. Of course they knew they'd have to give most back.

    The point is they gained interest on what they stole, and used it for whatever stupid projects they wanted it for in the first place.

    Under #45 They still steal your food money, but they put Brown Children into Concentration Camps too.

    This is the basic different between Neo-Liberal Globalist, and red neck Nazis.


"...Fire Sale!"

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