Friday, August 17, 2018


The above is a view from my bedroom window of a 50 kt. Russian/Chinese/Islamic Nazi/Klan/Lesbian Separatist, and or Scientologist warhead detonating in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Pretty much all of the above would like to vaporize something.
Why not most of Brooklyn.
As it happens the imagine is one I made of the bright glare of sunset.
I messed about with the image for effect.
Sue me.

Actually I post the pix in honor of the fucking steamy 200f degree heatwave we're sucking down here in the Emerald City.
I hate this shit.

I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
Like an idiot I was out in the Noon day Sun like an Englishman.
I didn't even have to be there,...I just was.
Ya know running around the Post Office library the market.
Basically shit I could have done after the heatwave, but like a jerk I went out, and risked my life.

Actually this was on purpose,...not risking my life.
Rather trying not to be so much of a shut-in.
So I go out a lot.
In the Sun
Like an Englishman in Rangoon in 1928.

Oh to lounge on the veranda of the Club with a Gin, and tonic.
Listening to the BBC overseas service.
The HMS Rodney gleaming in the bay, and chatting up my fellow expats to the colonies.

All this of course in an alternate history British Empire that was peaceful, and inclusive.

(Burmese British Colonial flag) 


"For the wind is in the palm trees, and the temple bells, they say
Come ye back you British soldier
Come ye back to Mandalay
Come ye back to Mandalay
Come ye back to Mandalay where the old flotilla lay
And the dawn comes up like thunder out of China
Cross the bay,...
Commmme! ye.... back! Mandalay,...."

And so on I would sing with my chums as the great sun of the tropics set over the club.
The club serves a most delightful curry ya know.

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