Saturday, June 23, 2018


I just again stumbled over that revised "correct" homophile flag. 
See new eye-test above. 
They add Black, and Brown stripes,...even put the Black one on top. Thanks. This after 50 years of calling us "Dinge",...pervert slang for NIGGER for a million years.

Did I say Fuck you to hell, and ya Mama too?

I have nothing, but visceral contempt for this, and the white pervert movement that spawned it in insincere guilt. You delusional piles of ash in waiting tell your murderers that "We're just you" ...???!!!!

Angels Laugh!

Even your most liberal pals are revolted at the thought of you, and how you live love, and fuck. You all of us. Fucking stroller pushing Marine sergeant Dykes to hunted Boy Lovers we're all the same to them, and all will in time be shoved into the same Oven.

They're already dragging Brown Children fucking babies too into Internment Camps. What do you imagine they have on the menu for your faggot ass.

Happy "Pride Day",...while you still have them.

*One more thing.

You are 21st century Judenrats.

Judenrats were WW2 Jewish-German Collaborative Agencies.
Principally within the Ghettoes of Nazi Occupied Europe.

Purpose: Administrative in their own Extermination.  


  1. Thank you! I *love* it when you talk like this.

    Camille Paglia rightly said that gays committed cultural suicide when they excised BLs from their ever more assimilationist movement - cutting out a vital organ in favor of a cancer, selling the soul of the movement for a mess of political pottage. That no doubt is a contributing factor to the awful design sensibility apparent in their rainbow flag revisionism.

    Gay Judenrats, delusional piles-of-ash-in-waiting: these are excellent epithets. To them I will add: Vichy fags and Quisling queers. That’s what we’re up against!


    1. "Contemporary gays who try to distance themselves from this issue of boy-love are in effect committing cultural suicide. They're cutting themselves from all the highest achievements of gay men..... Because I am a woman, and therefore I cannot be charged with man-boy love, I felt I had a moral obligation - and I don't recognize morality in most areas of life - a moral obligation to speak out against this kind of persecution in puritan Protestant culture, this persecution of a sensibility that as far as I can see has been intertwined with the highest achievements of art and intellect since the period of classical Athens." -Camille Paglia

  2. P. S. - It’s as though they’ve artistically lobotomised themselves.


  3. I despise them all the more for bringing out my raging hatefulness. The sort of thing one tries to keep a handle on. However faced with hoards of compliant lemmings that are committing mass suicide, and dragging me, and you along with them,......

  4. Like Z above, I too *love* it when you write a page like this!
    It gets to the heart of the matter at hand and draws attention to the deep shit we are in.
    Huzza Huzza


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