Monday, June 25, 2018


Well meaning friends even family have wished me a "...happy pride day". Rather than be polite, and just say thanks or nothing.
I unloaded. To the point I said that this was once a life, and death struggle. 
It's now a gaudy vulgar carnival. One limited to acceptable types. 

See our new friends above/below.
These guys hunted blackmailed beat, and killed us,...remember?

I plainly said "...Fuck'em all to hell they have nothing to do with me or me with them."
My well wishers backed off in confusion,...they really didn't, and don't get it. 
The upside. 
They'll never bother me with this shit of celebrating stroller pushing Marine sergeant Dykes again or their technically male equivalents.
These who would with glee turn the likes of me over to their new friends the cops to be killed.

Otherwise it was a hot humid day so I stayed home in the air conditioning, and watched old movies.


  1. Yet another great post Uncle!
    Stick it to the shitheads!

  2. From an article in the news today:
    "I believe gay men are presently passing through a kind of Stockholm Syndrome in which the captured begin to identify with their captors to such an extent that they wish to become them. In this case, it is the oppressed identifying with their oppressors."

  3. A wonderful, wonderful post. Your rage is mine. I’m so glad you chose to be impolite, and revel in your scornful dismissal of the celebration of stroller pushing marine sergeant dykes and their technically male counterparts - goose-stepping Vichy queers all!

    Anon, thanks for the quote. I found the article and post the link for the edification of our comrades:

    Well down in the column is a photo from 1971 of a black queen celebrating at some radical dive. The expression of joy on his face is that of a man who has attained some measure of true liberation, at real personal risk. I find it to be a subtle, telling contrast to the hollow triumphalist gestures seen in the photos of contemporary gay parades.

    In the same article author Sky Gilbert relates how he once met Harry Hay by seeming chance in Providence, R.I. Hay told him that he had come there to protest *against* gay marriage - a position that would be anathema to modern gays.

    I suspect that the apparent success of the gay movement over the past twenty years, particularly in regard to marriage and adoption rights, is actually quite a shallow and brittle one that could easily be swept away with a change in the political winds. The gay movement, having sacrificed its spiritual essence for political gain, lacks the backbone, the raw courage necessary to stand up against serious repression.


  4. I'm still fucking pissed off. Fuck'em all to fucking ass fucking HELL!

    Strong post to follow.

    Meantime I posted a piece to the Queer gals I used to know back in the day. This in the months, and years after STONEWALL when we were all one angry Nation fighting for our lives.

    Back then when a DYKE called you a GAY BROTHER they MEANT IT.
    I remember pals calling me this knowing full well I was among other stuff a Queer as hell boy loving anarchist weirdo artist file clerk.

    These were my sisters for real back then.

    Revolutions NEVER turn out how the first wave of Revolutionaries imagined.

    Ask Fidel's early pals that he had shot or the millions that believed in the Russian Revolution that were devoured by it.

    Comrades I'm going down fighting.


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