Sunday, March 27, 2022

To our younger selves:
"No! ...Don't!! It's a Cook Book!!!"



  1. These old clunkers weren't so bad, in retrospect. The current stuff, especially cell phones, are terrible. It's the wireless aspect that's a big problem, as I've lately learned.

    I just found an item about the work of a scientist studying the effects of 5G on the island of Samos, Greece. It appears they rolled out 5G there in a big way about a year ago, or maybe a bit more. She has found that in that one year the insect population for that island has dropped by 80 to 90 percent. She's eliminated for all other variables, it's definitely the 5G that's causing it. BTW, they have it in the works to broadcast 5G all over the planet from satellites. Basically that amounts to continuously microwaving the surface of the globe.

    Ecologists are right, we have a big problem; but they're focusing on the wrong things. Climate change is real, but it's not an emergency with a short timeline; most likely it'll play out over many decades, centuries, even millennia. Whereas this 5G microwave shit is an immediate threat. Also, the same climate wonks who hysterically insist we simply must stop using plastic straws have no problem with using and trashing endless waste streams of the same wireless artifacts that are turning out to be so bad for living organisms. Don't they know that planned obsolescence is a mighty engine of pollution?

    Finally, I have lately discovered that even the current 4G cell phones are really quite bad for your health. A scientist in California has been researching their effects upon the human body. She found that after 45 minutes' exposure to a cell phone - in a backpack, not in the hand - red blood cells start glomming together in little stacks. This and other effects make it harder for your heart to pump the blood, especially into the capillaries.

    I've been using cell phones for many years, especially in the last four or so, and in the last few years I've experienced heart palpitations. You can be sure I'll be backing way off on my cell phone usage.

    BTW, the second scientist's name is Beverly Rubik, so you can look her up. I don't recollect the other one's name offhand.


  2. As I mentioned somewhere being a former drug addict like being a catholic survivor gives on certain advantages.
    Ex-catholics see cults coming miles away. Old dopers recognized their fellows. That is in the current era folks with their faces buried in assorted devices of varying deadliness.

    My only upside to using an old school table computer and not having a radioactive device in my pocket. Is that my cancer is further away.
    Though my decades of being within two feet of a 50k watt radio transmitter may wipe out the slim advantage.

    Life is but a dream. A rather bad one but still a dream.

  3. Addendum.
    As much as I despise them vile little fucking bastards. Ecck.
    I am sorrow for them fried bugs. Turns out the planet needs them.
    Us...not so much.

  4. Remember bug splats? When you went for a drive in the country your windshield would soon be covered with little ex-bugs. That is apparently a thing of the past. I gather smart meters have something to do with it, as well as neonicotinoid insecticides. It's a bit disturbing, when you consider that bees fertilize about half the crops we eat.


  5. As for Bumble Bee Tuna.
    As a little kid I pictured mutant Bee-Fish in the skies over Brooklyn. Not a pretty picture. On the other hand 'anything' even that would be an improvement on this hood.


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