Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Taking helpful advice from Comrade Z. I went looking for the art of winged faeries. These from the early 20th century classical fairy book artist Andrew Lang. As I mentioned in a comment. I wanted to draw a new series of Blog, and 21st Century safe Faeries. 

See below in "...echo" for one of my modest pen, and ink gleeful Fae. This as near all of my decades of work are now unpublishable. Too much naked ink for these enlightened times.

Well seems things being what they are. Even fairyland has been cleansed of anything gentle or suggestive of Dionysian beauty, and magic. It's all monsters knights, and babes that know their place.  

Even the adventurous Fae from Brian Froud's work has been culled. I noticed he removed or re-painted his spirits, and fairies. He covered them up head to toe, and altered them to seem older.  Above is his Peter Pan also deleted. I have a years old file of it. If he re-did it he'd probably give him a beard.

I've portaled to a demented timeline. 

I'll have to depend on my own sweaty imagination for new work. Fuck'em,...where's my pen!


  1. So I guess we must ban these too. You can also throw in Donatello's David, and these are just for starters:
    Michelangelo's Children's Bacchanal,
    Caravaggio's Amor Vincit Omnia. It's an endless list!




  2. During prolonged crisis. There are various responses in place of dealing with the actual problems. There are much easier solutions.

    It's usually increased persecutions of the usual suspects.
    This tends to calm the mobs down, and gives them something fun to do.
    Traditionally they're given an open season on Jews uppity women Negros artists the literate educated, and other enemies of the people.

    If the mob goes too far, and all these are used up.
    Other targets are easily found. There are always stand by lists for such occasions.

    You'll notice that Asians are lately having their status questioned. Various minor religions, and social interests are also being kicked in the gut as well I see. Yes a long handy list.

  3. They better raid the Getty Museum for this sculpture in front of the building:


  4. I'm Shocked!!

    Outraged, and shocked I say. Troubling. I shall write an angry letter to the Times! My gracious me. Indeed! How is this not taken down at once.

    That lad is abusing a defenseless frog!

    Oh if only our schools would once more as in ancient times embrace the kindly Dionysian thoughtful ways. Though yes he is wisely sky clad yet still abusive. He needs a proper tutor to guide him in the ways of sensual gentle kindness.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" (sidneyinhell.blogspot.com) This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...