Thursday, August 20, 2020

So it's agreed.
We 'All' Vote, and remove the Villains.


  1. Well................
    You may remove one of the worst villains in history, but don't for a minute think you will remove the villains. It's a matter of picking the lesser evil.

    “Civilized life, you know, is based on a huge number of illusions in which we all collaborate willingly. The trouble is we forget after a while that they are illusions and we are deeply shocked when reality is torn down around us.”
    -J. G. Ballard

  2. It's a matter of choosing bad or evil. These are all we're given. However one has more possibility for hope than the other.

    One gives the hope for better choices the other does not.

  3. Comrade Hermit concluded one of his blog posts a few days ago with this:
    "And here we are now in 2020, and even the anarchists are telling us to suck it up and save America from despair by giving it a slightly more respectable psychopath to steer it around the icebergs. To this my only response is to ask why I should do anything to keep this juggernaut from sinking? You want me to pick a lesser evil? Well, which one even is the lesser evil here? I honestly can't even fucking tell anymore. I vote for which ever candidate on the ballot opposes the empire the lesser evils turned this country into, and that ain't Donald Trump or Joe Biden, so y'all can just kiss my irresponsible anarchist ass goodnight. Peg me a dreamer, dearest motherfuckers, but I'd rather be a bad American with a clean conscience than a morally feckless dupe any day of the week. Enjoy your scumbag pageant. I'm opting out.
    Peace, Love, & Empathy- Nicky/Comrade Hermit"

  4. The Empire is already gone, just isn't smart enuff to fall over. As for that bad choice I'm voting for,...he's sane, and isn't trying to fuck his daughter. The bar is 'that' low now.

    All other considerations do not matter.

    Partly I'm no longer interested partly I'll live slightly longer with the bad choice running the un-dead empire.
    The details of bringing in that golden age of free curry less police murder, and Dionysian gangbangs is up to the dreaded millennials.

    I've done my bit thanks.


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