Saturday, July 11, 2020

I'm reading that many of those who refused to take any precautions over the weeks, and months.  In particular mask wearing are now infected. For example one in six Mississippi law makers in their state capital have tested positive. 

Several are now in intensive care. 

Many of the armed anti-lockdown activists are positive. Some deaths reported. The same with their opposite number that marched a month later. These within the anti-police violence demonstrations.

Thing is the Virus really doesn't care about our politics.

Everybody on Earth gets it, and are trying to be careful.  
The USA, and the Brazilians don't get it. We, and then Brazil following #45's lead ignored every warning, and has refused to act. 

There's no political agenda among microbes. 
This should be obvious. However given our times, and the kind of leadership we have perhaps not.

The Butchers' Bill for this is going to be much larger than it had to be. If the election goes well most of the most egregious behaviors may stop. There may be a national plan, and more effective actions. 

If it goes the other way. 
I imagine certainly a million+ U.S. perished going into 2021. 
Likely much more. Much the same for Brazil who sadly followed our example.


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