Tuesday, May 26, 2020

I found this post from 2017.
This when we were going through another aftershock of our Civil War.
As ya notice we tend to do this.

It goes,...

"What to do with all that Confederate memorabilia sprouted all over the South."


Actually history is what it is. We learn from it. Put the Confederate flags, and statues within battle, and grave memorial sites, and leave it at that. It acknowledges the memory, but does not glorify it. Just banning them is culturally divisive, and gives all that material far more power than it really has or needs.
It's an assault many would feel on their identity. Many truly feel this.
You can't deny history. You can only acknowledge it, and learn from it. We learned that though the common Southern trooper did fight with great valor. (...even Obama said this.) Their cause was not worthy of them. (...he said that too.)
The common Southern soldier fought for his family, and home. However his government started the war to found a nation that they very specifically stated was based on Slavery...they said it. It's in the written record. All of the founders of the Confederacy said it plainly, and proudly...no getting around it. There it is in print in their words. Case closed. Now lets just get the hell on with the 21st bleeping century.
'Course like me in my Blue 9th U.S. Colored Calvary tunic. ( ...above.) If they want to wear the Grey...cool. Just keep the flags, and statues where they should be...at the memorials. ...and re-enactment fields.
Btw I remember when the Klan wanted to march in Harlem. This back in the extreme daze of the late 60's 70's. 'Course all hell broke out, and it never happen. Me I said at the time to universal condemnation that they should march. I mean this I 'had' to see. 

The reasoning at the time was that Civil Rights groups marched through their 'hoods. Soo they'll march in ours. This would have been a profoundly interesting event. ..if it happened. which it didn't. 
Turns out we were as intolerant they are...kinda.

'But if it did happen,...
Ideally everybody should have been friendly, and respectful to our "guests". Even though they had our blood on their hands,...human person to person as Dr. king asked us to be. Confront your enemy with patients, and kindness.
Worked in a way for that Gandhi guy. ...kinda.
Being the gleefully deranged peacenik that I still am. I hoped for conversations, and debates between the Kluxers, and Harlemites...all done over a great table of Bar-B-Q. That, and everybody goes home changed in their hearts having found out that we we're all just folks.
It is such dreams as this that might yet save this Republic.


  1. Amerika !!!


  2. They dragged him out of his car! God bless Amerika!

  3. I still think despite all that we can save our republic.

    Why? Because most of us are horrified by what you posted. That, and when MLK advocated compassion for those that hate us it was many times worse than now.

    I know I was there.

    Once again being an elder one who was there adds to the conversation.
    We were still being murdered and lynched...as with ropes. It wasn't just ancient stories. Some of us are still around that remember.

    In my case my grandfather's brother William was lynched by drunken white men...no reason he was just a nigger, and handy. They were never arrested.

    My family, and other families with similar loses in Ocean Springs Country Mississippi. We are now engaged in a group legal action against that County for an accounting.

    They said they didn't have all the records.
    We did, and handed them over to the feds to be verified,...they were.

    So when I hope for truth compassion, and peace among us I do so with the knowledge of what happened,...and to who.


"...Fire Sale!"

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