Wednesday, May 27, 2020


There should be memorial services online across this country today. Our head of state our governors our mayors should be consoling us. 
None of this is happening. 
It like the 100,000 dead are already in an old new cycle,...forgotten. 
We are separated by the Virus. We mourn alone. We are alone we are abandoned. That is the fact of it. I can't cheer this up or make it what it's not. This natural disaster has been politicized to further divide us. 
This is Hell. 
This is a uniquely American Hell.


  1. Burn Baby, Burn!

  2. I remember hearing that when I was a very young man.

    It made no practical sense then, and even less now.
    Stealing, and looting while very Helter Skelter . Is of no practical use or point.

    Much as demonstrations to redress grievances have been of no use for more than half a century.

    Unless you're 20 or stupid.

    I assume we all here are neither.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...