Monday, November 26, 2018

"The 21st Century",...yeah it gets worse.

About them immigrant folks. Things are so murderously cruel evil, and shit in the world that coming to this fucked up country sounds like a good idea.
Sort of like fleeing Poland in 1942 to go to Alabama.

Btw I went to the fucking Stats for the first time in a few months. 
There's 640 of you here today.

You have nothing better to do?
...well that, and welcome.


  1. Weren't there 7,000 migrants around Mexico City, and now it's down to 5,000 in Tijuana? Maybe some have opted to remain in Mexico. I bet that's the smart move. Latinos in the USA have twice the rate of mental illness as those in Latin America, I've read. But of course our streets are paved in gold. Or at least the many potholes around here are surely patched with it.

    I'd like to move there myself. According to numbeo, a website that keeps track of the comparative costs of living, our fixed incomes would go more than twice as far down there.


  2. Maybe, but we'd just get shot in the face like everyone else down there.

    The Mexican Cartel Wars have racked up a 200,000+ body count so far.
    Not counting the wounded raped, and driven insane.

    Almost as many yanks were killed in fucking WW2!

    I'll take my chances in the Emerald City.

    At least I know the lay of the land.


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