Friday, October 5, 2018

"In Other News"

The New Climate now gives parts of the world two extra months of summer. If I were 12 again this would be heaven...assuming we also got two extra months of vacation.
As it is it's a bit scary as hell.
I just read that another chunk of Antarctica has broken off. This the size of two Manhattans.
It was 84f by my kitchen thermometer this afternoon. So it goes. However I miss what fall used to be.
The colors the crisp winds.
They say that will be along towards the middle or late in this the month of October.
This is a miracle of a kind. I've read that the climate changes in the last century if naturally produced would have taken up to two millions of years...that's 2,000,000 years gang.
We did it in a century.
The overt effects in less than 50.
That, and those of us of an age saw it happen with our own eyes. A miracle. A frightful one, but a Miracle none the less.


  1. I have read extensively on the subject of climate change. It tends to provoke something like dysthemia. I think the correct word for it is grief.

  2. Let's hope the onset is slow enough that none of us will personally become climate refugees, or the like.

    Bye bye Atlantis.


  3. Boomers will just be leaving when it gets critical. Those after us will pay the price.


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