Wednesday, June 20, 2018

" as usual"

The King is Mad.

In the old days this would have been handled quickly smoothly. Powers within the Court would have arraigned an appropriate accident. That or perhaps a valiant death in battle. 
The King's youngest son would be put on the throne. The kid would be easy to handle, "...sign this or we'll cut ya dick off". A reliable Regent would be installed, and business could then go on as usual. 
Madness cured.

However we're a democracy of sorts so it's more complicated. The separations of powers is so far working. #45 actually didn't know these existed. This when early on he bitterly complained as to how the Constitution was old fashioned. Kept getting in his way.

In fact the Constitution was specifically designed for a president like #45. It's 'supposed' to get in his way. 
Them old slave holders were smart dudes.
The Judiciary has contained him,...for now. It may not into two terms. However if this demented maniac attacks the military establishment in the manner he's going after the intelligence community.

Then we should expect a more traditional remedy to his madness.


  1. Even if they kill him, it just opens the door to Pence, who is obviously his assassination insurance. And if they don’t, we’ll still wind up with somebody even worse.

    For this is who we are as a people. We’ll never get “back on track” to some shining new America; we’ve been on the path of empire for 120 years, and this is where it leads to. What is business as usual but ruinously costly wars abroad and deepening inequality at home?

    No new ruler can clean out the utter corruption of the deep state, crony capitalism or the entrenched ruling class. Unless it were a Mussolini or Pinochet type, which is a distinct possibility. Martial law is in our future, I think.


  2. “There will be in the next generation or so … a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel — by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”
    Aldous Huxley, 1961

  3. If the military eh arranges things Mr. Pence will get he message, and play ball. As for all the other noise we just bear with it till the next cycle. Normalcy will be wanted by all,...except that 30% who will worship #45 like the do Elvis for the rest of their black lung infected lives.

  4. No 1984 or Nazi methods needed.

    Everyone has their faces buried in assorted devices, and are happy to be so, over.

    As I say Normalcy in the highest levels is wanted. They don't care what they do just don't do it with their hair on fire while fucking a pig, and shooting up China White as we have now.

    No one cared what happened when our owners spoke rationally, and were polite. They won't when this comes back. No need for any extraordinary measures. This whole #45 thing may have been an unintentional experiment, much will the proles put up with.

    It seem they'll freak out if we let a president act crazy,...bad for business. Okay they learned that lesson,...back to plain polite dummies. They seem to like that.

  5. It’s true, cell phones are the opiate that even Huxley could not foresee.

    As for Normal, I get the impression it’s being rebranded.



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