Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Now that evil shit sucking fuck #45 is setting up interment camps for Babies. Yeah you heard right fucking BABIES!!! 

Fucking Crying Screaming little BABIES!!!!!
Kids Toddlers thru 13 are in that pipeline. They're shoving them into holding pens for now, and are setting up some tent cities for them in El Paso Texas. 
This is high summer under the sun, fucking Texas. ...Hello?!!

As some are already saying about half grown kids. There's going to be some Tragedies. If only by the fucking law of averages. A large number of kids uncertain facilities no one trained for child care. The grunts there normally just bust heads, and shoot people in the face for a living.

Changing diapers may be not be in their skill sets.

Also these are un-White kids so their lives have little or no value. If they were mostly Black kids any number would be dead already. Being Brown this might buy them a bit of extra time,...but not much.


Having #45 nearby is like having to put up with a drooling insane billionaire uncle. You keep him around because he'll sign anything especially checks. However now he's taken to having rough S&M sex with the kids. 

Tough choice. Your 10 year old daughters with bleeding buttholes, and black eyes or some more signed checks,...yeah a tuff one.

To think I was freaking out about just a handful of Queer interment camps in some fucked up former Soviet republics. Fuck I couldn't have begun to imagine.... I mean not even from #45!  
He's done it. 
He put children into interment camps...
Babies too is proud of it, and sez he won't stop.
Sez it "ain't his fault" he's just "carrying out the law".

Fuck this fuck to fucking hell. 

The best thing to happen would be if this insane shit shot somebody say a liberal that got into one of his hand picked rallies. The guy might protest the evil fucks insane policies.
An enraged #45 then pulls out a pearl handled .38 Rosco, and plugs the do-gooder in the bleeping face.

To the thunderous applause of his fans. 

He could make a show of it saying "....he had it coming, and I hereby pardon myself." The fans go crazy!

On the upside this might finally be too much even for the Republican Congress. I mean having a cold blooded murderer as sitting president with the smoking gun in his back pocket. might not look good.

'Might be the only way to make that 25th Amendment thing happen.

Failing that I wonder if my Social Security installment this month will be enough to buy one of them "ACME Escape Rocket" things, see above.
This so I can get the fuck out of here.

I'll get back to you about that.


  1. BL? An unimaginably evil crime committed by üntermenschen fit for extermination. Concentration camps for toddlers? A-OK, a patriotic duty!


  2. P.S. - I can has jet pack too?


  3. Hey guys, I hate to inform you that Obama's administration struck a deal with the Corrections Corporation of America, which had received a four-year, $1 billion government contract to build facilities to hold women and children seeking refuge in the US.
    Read about that loonie deal here:

    Never forget that all politicians are absolute creeps and totally untrustworthy.
    Buckminster Fuller said that politicians have held humanity back by at least 2000 years. He also said "To ask a politician to lead us is to ask the tail of a dog to lead the dog."

  4. Yeah I knew about that. I figured this explained our savior Obama's silence on the "Tots Behind Barbed Wire" program,...which he gave us.

    They are all frauds some murderers all shits some outright crooks some legal crooks all deserve a place in a Glass Booth for Judgement.


    Our situation is that some masters are kindly, and only beat or starve us some times. Only rape our wives, and kids now, and then. While others are Mad fucking Max insane butchers from hell.

    That's pretty much our situation.

    1. I have to agree with you completely, Uncle Sid.

      "For people to make demands of the Democratic Party is an exercise in wasted wish fulfillment. If we have a demand, it is simply and emphatically that they, along with their fellow inmates in the Republican Party, cease to exist." -Abbie Hoffman

  5. Here's a complete freak out! Read this summary and then the whole article at the URL below:

    -Migrant children have been detained in "tent cities," without their parents, as part of the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" border policy.
    -Housing a child in these locations costs an average of $775 per child per night, according to NBC.
    -Business Insider research showed Trump hotels in DC, New York and Las Vegas all offering lower rates for suites than a night in the tents.

  6. It isn’t just politicians, it isn’t just Trump. It’s the American people who voted them in. This is who we are as a people. Did you know that two thirds of Americans approve of torture, and also drone strikes that kill civilians?

    The insane misallocation of resources in the service of cruelty is nothing new. Homelessness could easily have been solved long ago, there’s plenty of empty housing stock around the country; but crony capitalism requires that suffering be inflicted on vast numbers of people.



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