Thursday, May 24, 2018

"Message from Satan"

First thanks to everyone that tuned in. I just came by to say what a great job you're doing in fucking up each other, and the world so well. 
I couldn't be happier with you. 
Also, and this was a surprise you elected as head of state of your most powerful nuclear armed tribe,...wait for it. 

A complete disturbed drooling buffoon. 

He isn't even intelligent enough to be evil. Amazing I was afraid the safe guards against that were impregnable. Silly me. 
Well what can I say. 
Any moment now this guy might blow your shit literally to Hell. 
So thanks, and It looks like I'll be seeing the whole demented unworthy lot of you in the lower depths far sooner that even I imagined.

Eh, Bernie isn't going to save you.

You're all going to hell so get used it. So go out, and commit as many sins as ya can. ...extra points for depraved creativity.

See you all soon.

(...I'm not that guy with the Horns in the post below. He just plays me on the radio. Odd since he's going to heaven. Well that's show biz.)


  1. Jeff Bezos is going to save us by investing some of his $81 billion in space travel. Thousands of homeless people in Silicon Valley are extremely excited about this.

    Glad you’re happy about the oaf. I think we can promise re-election for 2020 and thereafter someone worse.


  2. The Dem machine is sabotaging the progressive independents that have been winning all those elections of late. Ya know turning red districts blue, and such...fucking Alabama a Nazi state turned blue.
    The dems didn't like it that their machine wonks didn't win.

    So the current sabotage in favor of replacing candidates people want to wonks the machine wants. That Blue Tsunami is faltering because of this. The 16% lead they had going into the mid-terms is gone.

    I guess the machine is happy.

    There's talk that they want to republicans to have the government till 2024. Then they come back to pick up the pieces. They figure we'll be so happy to be rescued by 'anybody' by then we'll vote for them.

  3. Happy to hear the Yuppies are going into space.

    I hope the giant moon mice eat them.

  4. It will be amusing to watch, in an unpleasant way, if Bezos, Musk & co. actually attempt to put people on Mars.

    The Moon is, on average, less than a quarter million miles away from Earth. Mars is never less than 33 million miles away from Earth, and usually much further. Are a handful of billionaires going to exceed by a factor of 130 the supreme technical achievement of the United States when it was at the absolute peak of its wealth and power? I’d be surprised if they could even get it together to build a pyramid to rival that of Cheops. Trump Tower or perhaps one really big badly designed dam is about their limit.

    If people ever land on Mars, they will not be coming back, and they won’t be setting up house for long at all. They’ll wind up like the Scott expedition to the Pole, dying horribly.

    I think I’ll go out in the back yard and strap a plastic dummy to my rocket. By Musk’s definition this qualifies as space exploration.



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