Sunday, November 6, 2022

Watch this it's two minutes long.
It's cool weird and makes good sense.



  1. Do you like it when the heat goes off in the middle of winter? That's what the lizard person is demanding.

    This UN agitprop isn't to save humanity. It's to keep rich people flying in their private jets while the rest of us freeze in the dark: which is what will happen to many people in Europe during the next few months. Let's hope our heating bills also don't explode beyond remotest affordability.


  2. It's complicated. I post it just to point out we're fucked. Not to push any of the failed plans to address it. Also I just like seeing a raptor addressing the U.N. Cool that and exactly where she belonged. If I did it I'd have her eat half the place on her way out.

    Reducing the carbon footprint for example is a failed plan. Yes, it could work and yes it would freeze us in winter and fry us in summer...which it's why it's not seriously being done. People like comforts. If that means folks in distant lands die...well.

    Much as Putin is on to something about waiting out the west. This through a politically engineered cold winter. He just turned off the tap. Winter as always in war is Russian's friend.

    As to the larger long-term issue of planetary climate alterations. It's here it's happening. Where I sit will be in the East River in a century or two...not next year. Nature even when fucked over by us takes her time. Humanity if not our civilization will more or less survive this. We survived the Ice Age. Btw the ice like the seas didn't and won't rise overnight. Many centuries of slow steady work. Nature is in no rush.

  3. Yeah, basically we blew it a long time ago. Fossil fuels are finite and should be husbanded prudently; but we didn’t. To transition from rashly squandering them to a prudent long-range energy model without crashing our industrial civilization, you need a substantial energy surplus; this we now no longer have. We burned through it decades ago. So our industrial civilization is going to crash, and that process won’t tickle. This winter Germans are going to find out the hard way what deindustrialization is all about. Let’s hope we don’t do so also, at least not so soon.

    The WEF people, the Rockefellers and all those other rich assholes know all this. That’s why they’ve fixated on climate change, a phenomenon which is real but much slower and less extreme than they claim, and ginned it up into a sudden and urgent emergency, an earth-incinerating catastrophe, which it isn’t. They do this so that they can frighten people into letting them create a regulatory infrastructure under which you and I will have much, much less so that they can keep to themselves the remaining energy reserves and the sky-high standard of living which these make possible.

    Even at this late date, there is much that could be done to cushion the impact of collapse and minimize the human suffering involved. But the current rulers of the west have demonstrated that it won’t be initiated by them. We’re on our own.


  4. As I mentioned the wild cards of Covid Ukraine, and other interesting items have altered the path. Possibilities have presented themselves also darker futures. We're still headed for a fall. Just not on the same timetable. We might ease the fall from collapse to retrenchment. That or plow deeper into hell. Depends on how venally stupid we stay.


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