Monday, October 31, 2022


Dear Mr. President.
Thanks for putting up with that demented crap for us.
That and tell Santa the whole country could really use
another of them Stimulus things for Christmas.

Your pal Barbie



  1. Dear President Sockpuppet,

    Keep the teleprompter handy, never go off script; your improv rambling gets more incoherent by the day. Also, make sure there's always someone to help you offstage; these incidents where you can't seem to find the exit are getting embarrassing.

    Could really use the stimulus bucks. I hope you don't just give it to homeowners, like last time.


  2. Imagine da gobbermint actually directly helping people like they do for banks. It's communist madness is wot it is! That'n be more careful on them bikes. Also ya might want to reconsider running again...I say this as a pal...don't.

  3. Since we’re on politics, I have troubling news, at least if you put any credence in astrology. I looked at the chart for the upcoming Election Day, and it’s bad. I checked with an astrologer I know and he confirmed my take, saying this: “It’s a ghastly chart for an election… The election will resolve nothing and generate a rising spiral of conflict which will not be resolved until the 2024 election…” So we have that to look forward to.

    My take is: vote, but don’t place any emotional investment in the outcome of the election. Just do it for a lark and have some ice cream.


  4. I already did...and had ice cream. Yeah, even without the wisdom of the stars it's looks bad. Millions 'want' mayhem among them many thousands want blood. The sane on both sides want neither but that almost don't matter...'almost'.

    I've read there are hints of hope in the graphs. This era of nationalisms superstitions and assorted bad vibes is starting to run thin...nasty but thinning. Cycles are never exactly the same. This ain't the 1930's. The wild cards of Covid and Ukraine have upset that path. Unexpected branches have appeared...good and bad.

    So Changes coming...evil shit too. Just slightly less and less evil as we go along. Mind I might get profiled and shot before that swell post culture war block party...but wars end. They all do. That and the corrupt the buffoons the crooks the liars' the murderous outright tyrants and their works fall...every time. They fall ...till next time. There will always be next times. Human sanity is a difficult work in progress.

    Stay tuned.


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