Sunday, October 16, 2022

"...mirror mirror"

The humiliating chaotic fall of the CCCP made Putin what he is. We were oblivious to what happened there. The overnight fall of a whole nation. From Empire to beggars in a year. For some there came a cold rage and want for vengeance. The Soviet collapse gave us the Russian regional republic grab-back wars. Now the biggest...Ukraine. A look in the mirror. What if it happened the other way. America loses the Cold war. Markets fracture internal chaos banks fail economic implosion local revolts the works. Then States leave. Years later we have wars taking them back. Finally, we're at war with California-aka Ukraine the biggest. Bombing it to hell trying to grab it back into a tattered impoverished Union. One ruled by a vengeful maniac. Like Russia today. Angels weep.


  1. Sounds like the comic book version to me. Marvel must be writing the news.


  2. If I still had my game up, I'd do a graphic novel of this. A very topical what if. That and rush it to the shops for the holidays. It'd sell like cocaine at a broadcast convention. Been there...ahem.


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I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...