Thursday, October 27, 2022



Their coming was quiet. Hardly noticed or believed.
A glow about them. They didn't speak eat or sleep.
They'd walk among us then vanish.
Only to be seen moments later an ocean away. In time they were recognized.
These were our departed.
Wandering the Earth in kindly silence.
Till as softly as they came ...gone. Strange Angels.
All beings on passing become music. The aura of Eternity.

This year I lost five friends. Four from my radio life:
Bob Fass Larry Josephson Peter Lamborne Wilson Fred Hershkowitz.
One from my FB family: William George. This story is for them.


  1. Sorry you've lost so many friends. This isn't exactly a picker-upper, to say the least.

    Gombrich famously said that all art aspires to the condition of music; Nicola Tesla said that if you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms vibrations, waves and frequencies; and angels are said to be beings made of light, and that's a wavelength, isn't it? So maybe there's something to be said for this idea.



"...Fire Sale!"

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