Wednesday, September 28, 2022

"...In Other News"

Right so I'm here minding my own damned business and like an idiot I switch on da news. Just in time to hear that the Russians are calling our bluff. They say we won't go to WW3 just for Ukraine. So they can use nukes there if they need to...and they need to since they're losing. They're getting their commie butts kicked. 

That and there's literally 10+ mile long lines of cars full of potential conscripts at the border trying like fuck to get the hell out of Russia. They get what's waiting for them Ukraine.

Wait gets better. 

They then put on some American general big shot who said if them Russki jerk offs set a Nuke off anywhere it's curtains. They do it in the Arctic or Black Sea or anywhere outside their borders as a warning or anywhere 'in' Ukraine. NATO will enter Ukraine. He went on that we would defeat and force out the Russian forces in 96 hours. It would be a Desert Storm scenario.

Well, this shit got my attention.

I might as well cook up some popcorn suck down a diet Pepsi put my feet up go online and watch shit go to hell. All this because one demented asshole thinks he's Catherine the fucking Great. Why don't somebody over there put a damned fucking 9mm hello in his fucking deranged head?! 

So how do ya likes da 21st century so far?


  1. The 21st century is a bust. It bites the big one.

    I believe nothing, *nothing* that they say on the news. This century’s art form is the art of the bamboozle, and everyone in public life is honing their skills in it.

    Who blew up the Baltic pipelines? I say it was the Norwegians. They’re tired of being smiley-face nice guys who hand out Nobel prizes while singing We Are The World and have set their minds to stirring up trouble.


  2. Here's a scene. Norwegian and Russian frogmen sappers bump into each other on their way to blow them pipes. They decide to work together and blame it on the Brits. Given the times makes perfect sense.

    Me I saw that Cuban thing in '62 the near thing in '85 and assorted shit shows since. If I woke up to a flash from over the Brooklyn Bridge in the morning, I would not be surprised.

    I wouldn't have time to punch out a snarky post as the blast wave would turn me to splattered fried jelly 4 seconds later. On the upside I won't have to pay this month's rent...fuck'em.

    I feel better already.

  3. 7 February 2022:

    Biden: "If Russia invades...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."

    Reporter: "But how will you do that, exactly, since...the project is in Germany's control?"

    Biden: "I promise you, we will be able to do that."

    Yep, definitely the Russians, for sure.


  4. Empires don't need reasons for war. They just attack. Like Russia did. Like we did from Vietnam to Afghanistan. The Great Game. I doubt we did it...wouldn't be surprised but nah. It was Russia. Just the sort of thing they do.

    Like all those folks who recently died by accidently falling out of windows. A few stairs too...plenty of slippery floors over there. It's their style. Poking a hole in da plumbing is their M-O. Bottom line...button up your over coast.

  5. You do realize they could have shut it down by just turning off the spigot? Who needs frog men or submarines?

    I wonder how the Germans will see this as they freeze and starve in the dark this Winter? I mean the common people, not their rulers.


  6. Well folks are folks they don't play the great game. They mind their own business. Unless they're Ukrainian at the moment. Their counterattacks are impressive. But in the long run they'll lose most of their country. Russia might let them keep a sliver in the west. For the parts the Russia gets. Think Hungry in 1956, but not as nice.

    Being inconvenienced for someone else and being cool about it even if it's life and death for the others ain't something we do much. It happens but not much. Looking the other way is a human tradition. We only care because we've been at war with Russia since 1945 in one way or other.

    I mean look we spent 20 years in a lost war. Do you think anyone in the beltway is giving the folks getting beheaded by the Taliban any thoughts these days. They won't care about a few million disappeared Ukrainians after this round is over either. Assuming Nukes don't fly we'll forget about this and get back to what's important. Like which reality show "star' is fucking which.

  7. Ukrainians are getting screwed for sure. But they're not the only ones who are going to suffer. Winter in Europe is serious shit. What's going to happen when millions of people are without heat? I lost heat for ten months a few years ago, and it brought pneumonia - and I live in California. This winter is going to be bad.


  8. I didn't see any of this shit on the Jetsons.


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