Monday, August 29, 2022

"...we're generally, fucked to shit"

Some places have fallen direct to 3rd world status. This without the dignity of soaking as a 2nd world State. The capital of an America state...that's in the United States of America. Well, they've lost most of their running water with no date as to its return. 

Jackson Mississippi's water treatment and pumping facilities are offline. No time as I say has been given for repairs to be completed.  The Governor sez he's monitoring the situation. I'm sure folks are much relieved by this.

There is now no reliable water for firefighting or personal use. National Guard mobile water units have been sent to hospitals. Also bottled water will be distributed for as long as supplies last.

This happening in the United States of America in 2022.

Our infrastructure rots mobs roam the streets folks can't buy gas or food. Pals are dropping dead. For good measure our fucking spaceships crap out in front of us. Things is going real swell.


  1. Here’s a hint to anyone looking to move to another town: find out if your prospective town’s water supply is pumped or gravity fed. If it’s pumped, you could have big problems when the power goes out. Whereas gravity is pretty darn reliable.


  2. BTW, San Francisco’s a total disaster now. I used to love going there, now I stay away for as many years in a row as I can. Oakland has a shantytown, with shacks just like in Hooverville.

    I thought Uncle Joe and Auntie Kamala were supposed fix all this?


  3. I imagine they're aware. Odd as far as I know they've never mentioned it. ...or the years long similar nightmare in Flint. San Francisco once a jewel in our national crown is now a dumpster full of wet shit in a heatwave. They make Brooklyn look civilized.

    I'd have expected such malicious incompetence from #45. However, such is now job requirement for the position. The difference between the predatory right and alleged progressive left. The right is doing it on purpose the left by gross stupidity and terminal obliviousness.

    2022/24 I'm voting for a crushed empty can of Diet Pepsi.
    The effect will be the same but with less lying and press conferences.

  4. I’m ready to start working on the ad campaign! Remember when Michael Jackson did an ad for Pepsi? As I recall, his hair was set on fire by a pyrotechnic device. Maybe we can work in a little pyromania to represent the blazing future of the country under our new aluminum candidate.


  5. It would at least be entertaining. Great images too. Our crushed can on a chair next to Putin. It couldn't do worse that any of the likely bought venal greedy demented dummies that might win 2024.


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