Sunday, May 29, 2022

"...Lend Lease"

Lately there's articles interviews saying sending arms is unwise. Ukraine should just cede more land to Russia and call it a deal. The same Russia that said its goal was to extinguish their national identity. They're leveling cities murdering civilians. That and Finland entering NATO sez da Boston Globe " a big mistake". Some are getting edgy. This this starting to look bad for business. I also read: "It's hard to negotiate with a bear while it's eating you."

Also the nuke question. Putin may go there no matter what we do or don't do. If I had to choose between two white nationalist cultures. I'll take my chances with a vaguely democratic Ukraine. As opposed to a gulag building Russia. Yeah they're building new ones for the new generations of non-persons. Those who are opposed to the war and the growing totalitarian methods of Putin. Did I mention the unofficial interment facilities for Queers they've had for years?


  1. Can you link to any sources about internment camps for gays?


  2. I got that from Pink News a few years ago. I'll look up more recent news. The information came and went. First it happened from the Chechens where it was official. Link to last mention: Later Russia covertly did it. Before they were all shut down gay media in Russia did stories on it. I'm looking for any surviving info.

    The fact that one has to dig for it is telling.
    Like the African World War that killed millions. Most here never heard of it because of where it was and who it was. Queers in the same hell. No one cares.

  3. Yes, I recall that horrible stuff going on in Chechnya from a few years ago. The rotten Kadyrov is still in power there. Also, I recollect seeing vids of Russians entrapping and tormenting Ukrainian gays, likewise some years ago.

    But I wonder what is going on in Russia now? Gay parades are forbidden, it seems; and under the law prohibiting gay “propaganda” there you can get forty years in the slammer, I’ve read. But has this in fact happened to anyone thus far? What’s it like on the ground there?

    It seems that as their relations with the west have soured, Russians have turned back to their Orthodox Church and embraced all the repression and uptightness it once appeared they might escape. What a tragedy.


  4. For now, Russia pan-Asia generally is lost to what we ironically call the Liberal Democratic world. Granted it's skimpy on both but preferable to the Russian Orthodox closed realms and the Chinese A.I. digital police state. Granted we have equivalents Russo-Orthodoxy and Sino Digital Hell. So far we're keeping the lid on. far.


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