Thursday, April 14, 2022

"...We all suffer we're all full of it fuck it...just get on with it"

Pissed off fed up smart guy
 With all sorts of problems and some opinions 
I don't like telling hard truths.
This is why I loves rants.
There's always useful stuff in them.



  1. On the whole, I like Jordan Peterson. I think he's honest, and a pretty clear thinker. I don't share his Christianity, but then I don't have to share his every belief to find his ideas worth considering.

    As you've no doubt noticed, I've been listening to righty thinkers these past few years whom I would never have dreamt of listening to, even for a moment, until quite recently. The reason is that most of the left has apparently gone out of its mind and transmogrified into a collection of wokey zealots bent on destroying western civ, beginning with everything positive about it.

    There are some honorable exceptions to the looniefication of the left, which I'll bring up later on.


  2. Okay, so one lefty writer who is still worth following is Naomi Wolf. Another is Matt Taibbi. Both of them are continually under attack by woke media, of course.

    I get Taibbi's newsletter. He's just created a Substack forum for Russian writers who dissent from the heavy-handed censorship of official Russian state media:

    It seems like a good way to get a view into what dissident Russian thought is happening inside that country right now.


  3. These days both wings have clearly gone insane.
    Both would burn books including mine with glee.
    If the American left had its own country, I'd be shot...the right would burn me at the stake. ...slowly.

    My friend poet Ian Young said to me centuries ago:
    "Artists are trouble-makers we're a stateless people."

    Pretty much.
    So we're always first in line among the usual suspects. Particularly writers. Note these were the first to be disappeared in last time and the time before that.

    In this country everybody's gone fucking nuts.
    So one looks for rationality or scraps of it where ya can get it. Comrade Peterson seems slightly saner than most. However unlike myself, he clearly was never emotionally tormented and beaten year after year by nuns or priests. So has fallen into a kind of Christianity.

    Otherwise I'm watching'n reading his stuff.

    Of the two others you mentioned Wolf has been canceled silenced the other somewhat tolerated for now. I've read their stuff...I give'em a 40/60 and 60/40% like or dislike. However, they shouldn't be silenced.

    Not Fox nor even Autocrat friendly and Black racist Pacifica radio.
    I'm old school I remember and still believe in the Free Speech Movement. Everybody gets to speak no matter what shit they say.
    Them slave holding guys that put that in the Constitution knew it was risky...but worth it. Still is.

    Speaking of Slaves. Check out Ken Burns film on da life of Franklyn that anti-slavery slave holder. Hey life is complicated. He founded the Anti-Slavery Society of Boston while owning Slaves. Think J.P. Getty financing electric cars. Yep complicated.

  4. Jordan Peterson can kiss my ass.
    If you want a rant you can find it from a far better source than Peterson.

    1. Did you have someone in particular in mind? Recently I've been trying to think of a living philosopher whose ideas I consider inspiring, and in line with my personal philosophy, and I don't know of any. The last ones I know of would be Bucky Fuller and C.G. Jung, and they're long gone. Likewise with artists upon whose inspiration or careers I might wish to model my own; the closest I can think of is Alex Grey, and though I like him he's not quite there for me either. Some fusion of Gloeden, Escher, Dali, Ralph Chubb and Caravaggio would be the thing, but there is no such person that I know of - unless I decide to attempt to impersonate them myself.


    2. Leck mich im ArschApril 15, 2022 at 2:19 AM

      Sorry, I know of none living of the stature of Buckminster Fuller. I DON'T like Jung one bit nor do I like Wilhelm Reich. Both went off the deep end. Otherwise, I agree with you.
      The only philosophers and thinkers I admire are those who are "pro body" as a friend of mine referred to them. In this regard, Nietzsche was a giant as was William Blake. From the more recent past we have Norman O. Brown and Herbert Marcuse.
      Here is an excellent essay by Félix Guattari. Maybe he was the last to put up the good fight.

  5. That's bizarre about Franklin, but I have no trouble believing it. The world is a weird place.

    Everyone who opposes slavery - particularly, whoever wishes to avoid falling victim to it - should steer clear of CBDCs. Central bankers are assiduously readying them:

    I get a newsletter from the Bank for International Settlements, which is the central bank of all the other central banks; it's in Basel. These things they're prepping are not money, they're a payment system; they're not really currency: they're a credit at the company store, with all which that entails, and probably more.


  6. Hey Z,
    Don't forget Peter Lamborn Wilson (Hakim Bey) who is also a friend of Uncle Sid.

  7. I think I could hang out at a Mott Street Noodle and Dim Dum joint with Whitman James Baldwin Camille Paglia and Ralph Chubb. If John Addington Symonds dropped by, we'd be glad to share some dumplings and tea with him. These the makings a of good evening.

  8. The first thing which philosophy undertakes to give is fellow-feeling with all men; in other words, sympathy and sociability. — Seneca, Epistle 5


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