Friday, April 15, 2022


Was out last evening. Came back alive too. After a warm 80f degree day night brought cold rain wind. April is what March was supposed to be March was what December was supposed to be, and February was what April is supposed to be. Got that? ...take notes they'll be a test.

Counterpoint to my demon dreams. Last night a kindly dream. Ponies. All over the damned place. These wandering around in my dream Brooklyn. Streets of grass blocks forested like a Peter Max poster...ask ya Hippie grandma who, and or what he was.

Too bad I don't do Hallmark Cards. This would have made a neat one. A happy dream. Blue skies lazy summer clouds only thing missing was an ice cream truck with Irving my childhood ice cream man driving. I slept and dreamed dreams of dreams. Living in the land of plagues wars and stupid crap. My unconscious self and or Angels cooked this up to chill me out.
On another matter.
The notion of standup lecturers. Like standup comics but not as funny at least not intentionally. There's the Brit tradition of Speakers Corner. In New York it's every corner subway station and park. Whether you want to hear them or not. This has mostly been supplanted by demented posting online. Like I'm doing now. It's safer and your kitchen and bathroom are handy.

I used to think of yacking at people on assorted corners.
Could get hit by a pie or beat up but that's part of the fun. One should dress for the role. Tweed. Maybe a bowtie shave and a haircut. This as not to be confused with sweaty cranks screaming about the illuminati and the human DNA they put in hot dogs.
I once considered a "One Person Witness for World Sanity".
Not 'world peace' as I know better. I let the idea go when I realized everyone on earth is insane myself included. Besides with rouge cops out there I could be shot. Black people have been shot dead for holding a loaf of bread. I shudder at my fate for lecturing...especially with a bow tie on.
On a related matter.
Reading. That particular umbilical to eternity. I may have problems. Comprehension above a certain level of complexity. 'Been rummaging about in assorted smarty pants stuff. I found I kept losing my way. Tried less thoughtful realms. Easier, but needed breadcrumbs home even there. WTF? is this an age thing? I'm a breath from 72. Are these signs of adventures to come? Perhaps I should have friends read to me. I'd enjoy the company and listening is more least lately.
One more thing.
While out I went to the Bakery.
This to purchase one as in a 'single' chocolate éclair. Haven't had any in years for health reasons. However, I thought I deserved one just once for being such a reasonable chap.
I think we all should have a treat from time to time for being decent. Not remotely saints, but just standup sorts of folks. So go do something nice for others and ya selves.

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