Tuesday, April 12, 2022

"...Tales from America I"

This is consistent. Going back to the Tea Party. Even before to the Klan. These unhappy angry people are stalled at the 3rd to 4th grade level of literacy. In that these are the spelling mistakes of children. It speaks to how badly the education system has failed them. Not just in reading abilities but in their grasp of the world around them. True there is so much I do not know. However, being denied the very basics of education and apparently not caring is at the core of our problems.

Okay that's my sane compassionate response to this shit kicking Nazi pig fucker.

You 'can' hold both of these in your head at the same time. There's headaches tunnel vision and nightmares that goes with it. But that's the price for being fucking civilized. Guys like this bring back 1956 white is right kill Queers trucker. On da utter hand sleeps like a baby on valium and whiskey. The less they know clearly the happier they are. Which is why things are as they are. 

I once said I wish I could be mean and vacant all the time too. As opposed to just doing it as a part time gig. The sincerely slack jawed are happy as pigs in shit. I actually envy their stinky paradise at times. This since the whole world is made for such persons. Must be convenient as hell. Smarty pants Queers meanwhile barf from the smell and go crazy at the deranged shit they do. 

Examples. They keep voting against cute blowjobs education socialist healthcare and for the guys that are sending their jobs to China. Btw China has since sent these shitty jobs to Vietnam who later palmed them off on Indonesia. Underpaid non-union non-benefit factory jobs are an international hot potato that millions of deluded folks here wants back. 

They also didn't know that Obamacare which they keep electing people to vote against. Is really the ACA. The Affordable Care Act. Which they all use and would die without. If I were a Greek gawd I'd spend all day chucking lighting bolts and Gay Wedding Cakes at them. Sigh.

I quit.

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