Thursday, March 24, 2022

"...Mr. Internet"

Above my magic window on this deranged planet. Thanks to Mr. Internets amazing invention. We can all watch the end of the world in real time. I was watching a Russian Vlogger just now. She sez a lot of her friends are in jail now. This for being against the war and vlogging about it. Also she's in trouble and might be arrested soon so was saying goodbye. Was questioned at work for being suspected of going to an anti-Putin demo.

She mentioned there's one small piece of good news.
In Russia they don't have to wear masks inside of stores or large buildings anymore. With all the horrible things happening. The war sanctions now mass arrests. Everyone has forgot about Covid. I hope she makes it she's a good kid.
I notice the same thing here in the land of the somewhat still free.
Even in the Emerald City. No not vloggers being disappeared...yet. But I see except for elders most have stopped wearing masks. People mobbed test sites when Omicron showed up. Now no lines. None. The busses that give you vaccine shots just sit there empty. Like ice-cream, stands in a blizzard.
Covid isn't over...kinda, but we've all made a sort of peace with it and moved on. As last time in 1918~19 it will be forgotten. The 2020~22 Pandemic. A million+ American dead soon forgotten. Near 7 million in the rest of the world. We are an interesting species. We don't seem to be able to hold more that one important thing in our minds at a time.


  1. I think they ginned up the war to distract the public from Covid; too many people were getting tired of being flogged by their televisions into a frenzy of terror over the next variant, and were starting to notice the epic economic fuck-ups of da gubbernmint.

    I've read elsewhere that the war our neocons successfully goaded Russia into launching has been destroying what little freedom may have existed in that country for ordinary people in their daily lives. I guess life there now must be a sort of perpetual loyalty test.

    Thank God mask mandates have ended in California. This time they'd better *stay* ended. But now state assembly creatures in the Lagoon of Sacramento threaten to bring in some truly awful Covid-related legislation. In the state of Washington not so long ago activists barely averted the construction of quarantine prisons for the unvaccinated, like the ones that Australia has already built. I fear we can expect to see a concerted assault worldwide on basic human rights for many years to come as a result of this sorry episode. In fact human liberty as such is directly under threat and could easily vanish forever. There are many in positions of authority and power who passionately yearn to make this happen.


  2. I just wanna get the fuck out'a here.
    I don't know where I stand on anything and starting not to care.
    Covid restrictions made sense in the deadly red zones like I live in. 13 folks died in just my building since this started. Near 70 thousand dead in the whole City now.

    70k dead in NYC. About the same as initial dead in Hiroshima...66k and Nagasaki ...39k. granted 10's of thousand died later from radiation burns all that hell. But our NYC numbers. You get that? Covid hit us like a fucking WW2 Atomic Bomb.

    Z this is why I feel the way I do about the Plague. It ain't a conspiracy by our owners to kill off our freedoms. It was nature from a lab or not doing what it does. Mass death.

    Around here it was never about losing non-existent freedoms. We have real freedoms...really? Well, maybe out west down south they saw the regs as threats to their freedoms to celebrate that good old boy crap live in 1956 and have more guns that the fucking 'Jersey mafia.

    For most of us isn't and wasn't about fucking masks. We...I saw death and loss regularly. Watched the collapse of our local economies in real time. I went to my regular deli saw my pal's nephew running the shop.

    Where's Ibrahim I asked.
    Kid tells me he died in the night. I was chatting with him three days before. Just like that. There were a lot of 'just like that's' in my fucking 'hood.

    Like I've often posted.
    The sound of medical vans 24-7 every day. Hiroshima/Nagasaki in slow fucking motion without the smoke and fire. Just the death.

    If the rest of the country saw lived what we and other big eastern cities saw things would be very different. Then again maybe not. Even with all that even here we're already forgetting it. It's happening before my eyes.

    This is why I don't care about shit so much.
    What for since it never happened.

    In NYC post Covid violence adds another 2,100 dead and counting. Our gangs and maniacs let loose on us after things calmed down. The subways are now as deadly as they were in the 70's and again in the 90's. Why do you think we elected a fucking cop and not one of the commie jerks that were running?

    Sorry for the rant. ...battle fatigue.

    Being slightly rational again... A Wyoming town with 2600 folks should have had rules that made rational sense for them. They didn't. They got mixed up stupid shit that made no sense. Partway scary rules like we had and others no real regs at all...ya on ya own. It made no sense out there whatever.

    This was all because we had no rational plan for any of it.
    Obama set up a framework for a pandemic during the Ebola event. #45 trashed it out of spite and refused to set up anything to replace when all this shit hit us.

    He liked watching states fight each other over supplies. I didn't make that up. One of his fucking lawyers mentioned that as if it was funny. I hate that fucker. Half the deaths are at his personal door.
    As his son said about NYC. '...why should we help them. They won't vote for us." That was put up on a giant sign in Times Square so we wouldn't forget. We didn't on election day.

    As for freedoms...what freedoms?

    Everybody in this country wants to kill everybody else.


"...Fire Sale!"

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