Thursday, March 24, 2022


I took the opportunity of these chaotic terrifying days to clear out some stuff. It's all in about 10 office storage boxes in my bedroom. The rest of my digs are Zen plain, but that bedroom corner is hell. I started this evening.
Old receipts from 2011 dead junk mail. Notes for stuff I was writing, but then realized how stupid they were. These remain rather extremely stupid. The years did nothing for them.
DVD's I thought I'd lost. One in particular..."Kind Hearts, and Coronets"...put that on your plague/wartime movie list.
Old comic books I can re-read. After a few years you forget so they're like new editions. 30-year-old audio cassettes from my early radio daze, and some model kits I forgot about. These will all come in handy as I live out my portion of the 21st century.
Gets better. Cut-off notices from Con Ed ...bastards. You miss a month they're after you. Dead flip and iPhones. I should trade these in for the gold in them. Paperwork from Social Services. You get old you have to deal with them heartless cyborgs.
Instructions for equipment that broke years ago. Breath mints, they still work. Old Jury Duty warnings...I skipped a few, and $4.27 cents in change...which will also be handy. So I'm keeping about a third of my trash. me more empathy for Hoarders. This exhausted me. Six boxes still to go. I'm laying down for a few days.


  1. About cut-off notices from Con Ed: I long to go off-grid in a domesteading situation (I've always been fond of geodesics). Or at least to get a lot of my power from my own sources - windmill, solar panels, a wood-burning oven stove - so that if they cut me off I can thumb my nose at them. The rooftops of L.A. used to be covered with solar water heaters, which work quite well in that climate.

    Even more than homesteaders or Mongolian nomads, the freest people in the world are sailors with their own ocean-going sailboats. If you don't like the local jurisdiction, you leave.

    The problem with all these is that you need some cash up front to get started. I've got to get some of that. Also, certain skills are called for.

    I want to stick it to The Man.


    P.S. - That's a good point about old comic books. I'll take some with me.

  2. A surprise!
    In one of my further boxes. I found a rapped package of some of my original art. That and proofs of my early books of drawings. Imagine...I had thought all of my things long gone. Exhibit 'A' indeed. I found more comics too.
    In context of our current hell this passes as a good day.


"...Fire Sale!"

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