Saturday, March 26, 2022

"...Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow"

Child Soldiers are common through history. 
They used to be a routine part of any army 
going back to the first wars.
I think 5000 years ago or so forget where.

Like everything else in the modern era.
It was the Enlightenment era that changed things.
Sort of kinda in a way maybe. Long story.
War needs rules as they tend to get out of hand.

Mind you the rules are mostly ignored
 but come in handy sometimes.
Like loot 'before' you burn. 
Don't shit upstream of your camp.
Handy stuff like that.

Then we got 'Woke'.
Ya know don't slaughter the civilians for fun.
Don't blowup historic places.
Don't kill old folks or kids.
These are near never obeyed but still come in handy.
Special occasions and such.
Like keep girls alive to rape keep boys alive 
to turn into cannon fodder.

There's Boy Soldiers again. 
These turning up on both sides of the current war. 
Mind Boys were used in 3rd world wars forever.
Of course no one cared for the usual reasons.
Wadda ya expect they're savages.

In da 21st century boys somewhat rare in 1st world wars. 
The Balkan kid troops were in the 20th century.
We thought we got over that.
We didn't.

Anyway, there's all this war crimes talk about it.

None for the 3rd world kids. 
Darker skin has less value. This is just the truth of it.
It's why you've never heard of the 
1st or 2nd Congo war. 

Outside of the West it's called: 
'The First African World War'.
This as 10 African nations including 
western financial interests were involved.

Five Millions Dead.
Did you read that did you get it do you care?
I didn't think so.

As for the boys they're just doing their job.
Like they've done in wars for 5000 years.

Could I have been a Boy Soldier?
You bet in a fucking heartbeat.
Like kids fleeing pig farms to join the Crusades.
Me, anything to get the fuck out of school.
That and I get to shoot bullies.
Yeah, I could be KIA but so what. Beats Algebra.

Welcome to Earth.


  1. Did you know that in Ethiopia right now there's a civil war, and has been for a couple of years? I just learned this a day or two ago and was gobsmacked; I was sure I'd been following enough alternative media to pick up on stuff like that, but no! Also they never talk about what's going on in Yemen because we and the Brits have been helping the Saudis to kill Yemeni kids in their thousands with famine and disease, not to mention guns and bombs. Nor do the press ever mention the slave markets doing a brisk business in Libya since we destroyed that country in 2011. If it doesn't serve someone's agenda for us to know about it, it didn't happen.

    Speaking of which, I gather one can currently find t-shirts on Amazon to display one's support for the Azov Battalion. That's the Nazi gang in Ukraine who have been tying people to phone poles or whatever and torturing them. Oh, and have you heard about the bioweapons labs there? Testifying under oath to congress recently, Victoria Nuland had to reluctantly admit that we've been funding, uh, biological "research" facilities in Ukraine. It seems there are 29 of them in just that one country. This has been going on since 2005. I'm sure they're just trying to cure cancer and serve the best interests of humanity.


  2. Tell me something I don't know.
    Them Greek and Roman gawds that used to personally interfere in the lives if nations...even individuals. They're up on there on some magic mountain seeing this shit. They figure: "Hey they're doing a far better job of fucking shit up that we ever did. Leave'em be this shit is entertaining as fuck."

    Though they do toss in the random lightning bolts.
    This to mysteriously down passenger planes like they just did in China. Loads of laughs for that crowd.


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