Friday, March 25, 2022

"...a queer moment"

This a post from a long-ago Nuked Queer blog I ran.
There were so many. 
All Nuked.
Think of the Digital Megatonnage.

Once upon a time:

Saint Dominic Savio above there is perhaps the only Saint other than Walt Whitman that I would have really liked to have been close friends with. Not just because he seemed to be insanely cute.

These are idealized paintings after all. He probably was just a regular looking kid. As for Walt Whitman I would have happily cooked and washed for him.

Saint Dominic was the main squeeze of Saint Don Bosco a very Spiritual 19th century priest, and general do-gooder. He, and Dominic were by a reading of the accounts "Soul Mates".  

In that they were both touched by what rural Black folks down South still call the "Shine". Which means they had the "Seeing". The ability to sense deep spiritual realities. What some call "Miracle Making".

I'm familiar with this blessing in having met two people with it and have a very light touch of it myself.  Indeed we 'all' have a touch if we would open ourselves to it.

As a young Queer lad I did.

Being a young Queer boy in the 50's, and early 1960's. I had no one, and nowhere to go, but inward. I was amazed at what I found there! Sometimes it still speaks to me 

Though not as when  was young. 

It's a fire you have to tend, and I stopped. The world it's brutalities, and my own fears smothered it for many years...though as I say it seems to be sparking again. 

As for our heroes Saint's Don, and Dominic some joked...including me that they spent many hot times together on their knees...ahem.

They certainly did. However those passionate walks to the woods I now am certain were not for  steamy hanky panky...pity. They were 'actually' in "Spiritual Communion" with realms most can never imagine.


So yeah I'd loved to have sat had tea meditated, and perhaps kissed Saint Dominic on his brow with chaste affection. As  I would have Saint Whitman. 


  1. Not sure of the date on this as it's a replica of the original. A good likeness if I say so myself. Anyway, it might be from 2009 to maybe 2011. In there somewhere.

    I keep my notes of what I've written and as many graphics as I remember to store. I suggest this to all good comrades in such times as we have. You see how fast whole libraires online just vanished in Russia. This can happen anywhere now in a moment.

    Be prepared.

  2. I remember this one, of course. I think early crushes are very important, including those on fictional characters, or on visions of people who once lived upon whom our imaginations have projected some longing of the heart.

    I don't dismiss the idea that some saints have or had real sanctity. Saint Dominic and Saint Cyril were evil, in my opinion (Cyril was the one who encouraged the mob to murder the philosopher and mathematician Hypatia); but I think Saint Antonine really was holy. When the Plague ravaged Florence people were dropping like flies in the street and everyone who could get out of town fled for their lives to the countyside; but Antonine, a bishop, stayed in the city to tend the sick and dying. He survived, I think. I've seen his mummy in a glass coffin; it's right smack in the middle of a cathedral.

    About the disappearing libraries: this can also happen to hard copy material. Remember the Brongersma archive, and the infamous vandalism committed against it by the Dutch government. Time capsules are what we want, to see humanity through to the other side of this dark age whose portals we've already entered.


  3. Dutch Senator Brongersma was a friend. When he visited the States in the early 80's we hung out. I gave him copies of my works to date. These signed with editors notes in each. I thought we thought we were speaking to the future.
    Just a few years later almost all in his archive was burnt in police furnaces. They kept some to trace possible "crimes". There a few arrests based on this.

    Indeed that visit by those two detectives a few years later out of the blue. I strongly suspect were based on Interpol examination of my captured Queer faerie art.
    I mean what could be more dangerous in a city like this with routine murders and rapes than my pamphlets of winged faerie lads.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...