Sunday, February 27, 2022


Another day another sunset. Days go by. For years we’ve lived in a haze of confusions hurts hopes. Life goes on days go by we do what we can. I see my own country in rages over trivia the minutia of incidental events. Viewed through the tunnel vison of our tribal divisions. Liberal and rightist media each in their ways biased. each creating false alternate worlds. Neither understanding the harm they are doing.

Now this. A major war in Europe. The first since WW2 near 80 years ago. The Long Peace as it was called unraveling before our eyes. There are constant war in many parts of the world some of them have gone on for near decades…and no one notices. The 2nd Congo War killed upwards of Five Million people. Most don’t know it happened. Most don’t know there was a first war…this because of where it was and who it was.

This new war. This kind of war between industrial nations in Europe is another matter. This as they have the habit of engulfing the planet in World Wars. I woke today to the Russian head of state putting his nuclear arsenals on alert. Defcon Two…Defcon one is nuclear war.

Madness prevails. I sat here thinking what I’d do if the Emergency Broadcast signal came across all of our devices. What could one do? What could that Ukrainian family do when that tactical rocket crashed into their apartment block and killed them.

Read the Guns of August or watch the film below. It shows how the 20th century’s 100 years’ war began. The first act being WW1 the last the War on Terror. None of the kings’ emperors or Prime Ministers wanted it. However, could not stop it as it took on its own reality. It became a self- aware entity. Much as this war is before our eyes.

I have no answers. Like you I’m just watching things unfold that are vastly out of my control. The world does not want this. Even the Russian people don’t want it. Many thousands arrested for going into the streets to protest the madness. Even their billionaires their money threatened have come out for it to stop. Yet it continues.

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