Tuesday, November 30, 2021

"...end of days"

I deliberately avoid most news. I mean what's the point. Sadly, some leaks through. There are crawls all over everything online now. Seems Vax maker Moderna sez their product many not completely resist the new COVID strain Omicron. 

Yeah, like I sez it sounds like a planet on Star Trek. Markets are freaked out. If this thing is as scary as suggested major lockdowns are inevitable. The economy will tank even more than it has.

I might as well have been shooting up meth Speedballs all this time. Save me them trips to them Vax-bus things. Would 'a had so many seriously sweet highs too. 

I'm sitting tight, and doing what I been doing for two years. Staying the fuck away from crowds of assholes, and minding my own damned business.  

That's my choice. Others especially in red states are free to choose getting sick, and some dying. This Omicron thing is supposed to be 500 times more fucked up than COVID lite. Dunno if I buy that shit...fear mongering to get the rubes into the Vax-tent. However, it can still eat you up pretty good.

On da upside this will make keeping the House more likely despite Biden. So many of #45's pals will be too busy crapping themselves to death than voting. Yeah, not a nice thing to say...bleep it. This is war. Merry Fucking Christmas.


  1. "Hitherto, recurrence has seemed a primary law of life. Night has followed day and day night. But in this strange new phase of existence into which our universe is passing, it becomes evidence that events no longer recur. They go on and on to an impenetrable mystery, into the voiceless limitless darkness, against which this obstinate urgency of our dissatisfied minds may struggle, but will struggle only until it is altogether overcome.
    Our world of self-delusion will admit none of that. It will perish amidst its evasions and fatuities. It is like a convoy lost in darkness on an unknown rocky coast, with quarrelling pirates in the chartroom and savages clambering up the sides of the ships to plunder and do evil as the whim may take them. That is the rough outline of the more and more jumbled movie on the screen before us. Mind near exhaustion still makes its final futile movement towards that "way out or round or through the impasse".
    That is the utmost now that mind can do. And this, its last expiring thrust, is to demonstrate that the door closes upon us for evermore.
    There is no way out, or round or through."
    -H. G. Wells, "Mind At The End Of Its Tether"

  2. Wells tho' a proto-Nazi fuck. When asked about other races in the future he said: "The Black or Yellow people have no place in it. I imagine they will die off having contributed little or nothing."

    He may have been a visionary smarty pants, but he was a man of his times. The 19th, and early 20th century when such attitudes were common.

    To the point. He was on the money about how fucked we all are.

    1. I was unaware of this. Fuck him too, even though he got it right in this quote.
      What the fuck is wrong with people? There is only ONE human race and that ONE human race is part of NATURE!!!

  3. Well like I sez. Folks even liberals such as they were, and are once held what today would be outrageous views. I shudder to think what they'll think of us in another few hundred years.

    1. Posterity will be horrified at what we are permitting to happen right now. The worst crime in history is currently being committed, in case you haven't noticed.

      They will also no doubt be extremely put out with us for burning up all that petroleum and coal and natural gas - the most abundant energy supplies humanity will ever know - and leaving nothing but a heap of slag for them to clean up.


  4. Insisting folks be cautious in a plague and take the damned vaccine. Granted this may interrupt their shopping and fuck with the Constitution. However, I think Wounded Knee Treblinka or Hiroshima may seem a bit worse to posterity.

    Also, yeah, we ain't getting no statues for raping the Earth, and everything on, and in it. Leaving them ashes. It's like the rich say...fuck'em we won't be here then.


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