Monday, November 29, 2021


Back when they delivered your milk in bottles cars had fins TV was small b&w, and Good King John was on the Throne. Back in the glorious times when comic books were 10. cents, and they gave you a free Coke with your hot dog at the movies.

Back in them forever lost years of the former American Empire...I thought I could Fly.
Made sense. Every night we sat either at the park or in the backyard to watch the Satellites slowly sail over us. Light pollution was in the future so we knew the night sky.

The stars, and their arraignment as constellations. So we knew them. So we knew it when something new appeared. Oh, those magical ships of the stars. We lived in an age of Miracles.

Given this I truly believed that I could fly. Leap into the air from my boyhood bedroom.  Into the starry night, and fly to my Aunt Sybil's house to surprise her.

I think kids 'do' fly, and perform any number of miraculous acts as a matter of norm. ...they don't tell us. They know we wouldn't believe them. The know we'd medicate, and shut them away.

The "Peter Pan" myth is an echo of these secret adventures. What kids for endless years have had enjoyed...then forgot. This as life bullied, and beat it out of them.

Maybe there is a far side of the moon Never-land. That or any of the thousand names children have for the Magic Place.

Maybe without knowing in our anxieties confusions needs.  This is what we're all trying to retrieveTo the elder children ...Bless you, and keep looking.

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