Image above from Evelyn Tully Costa.

King Christian, and his wife of Denmark wear the Yellow Star.

Arthur Bass:· The only Nazi occupied European country whose inhabitants were able to successfully resist the Holocaust was Denmark. When the Nazis ordered Danish Jews to wear the star of David sewn on their clothes, the next day almost all Danes took to the streets with exactly the same stars. 

After this event, the order" about the stars" was canceled. 

Later, after learning of the Nazis ’ plans to exterminate the Jews, members of the Danish resistance organized their transportation by sea to Sweden. Only 120 Danish Jews died during the war. Hundreds or even thousands of times less than in other European countries. In the photo - king Christian X with his wife with the stars of David sewn on their clothes. “Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.”


Comments from my FB page.

Sirdeepy Frazier:


Gary Peterson:

I have read that this photograph is not of the Danish King and Queen, but of a Jewish couple living under Nazi tyranny elsewhere in Europe. King Christian X’s Wikipedia entry includes the following:

King Christian X became the hero of a number of myths about his defense of the Danish Jews. He became the subject of a persistent urban legend according to which, during Nazi occupation, he donned the Star of David in solidarity with the Danish Jews, who were not forced to wear the Star of David. 

However, the legend likely stems from a 1942 British report that claimed he threatened to don the star if this was forced upon Danish Jews, and was popularized when it was included in Leon Uris’s best-selling novel, Exodus. It is important to note that the King did write in his personal diary this entry: 

“When you look at the inhumane treatment of Jews, not only in Germany but occupied countries as well, you start worrying that such a demand might also be put on us, but we must clearly refuse such this due to their protection under the Danish constitution. I stated that I could not meet such a demand towards Danish citizens. If such a demand is made, we would best meet it by all wearing the Star of David.”

The myth may originate from a Swedish newspaper cartoon, in which the King is asked what to do if Nazi-supported prime minister Erik Scavenius makes the Jews wear yellow stars. The King replied that in that case, all Danes would have to wear such stars.

Cassady Smith:

Whether or not this man is the Danish king, let’s all make the pledge NOW that we will all don the yellow stars and declare ourselves to be Jews if Donald Trump gets elected in 2024 and starts making them wear public identifiers. Or if he decides to persecute any OTHER group, publicly and loudly declare ourselves to be leading members of THAT group.

Let’s all take the pledge now, when it’s easy to do because the risk seems low. Demagogues don’t really seem to care which group to scapegoat and persecute. And their slavish followers always seem ready to turn and hate whichever group their told to hate.

When Trump told his followers to hate Asian Americans, I think he was just practicing. How much success did he have? A lot. There was violent assault and battery (of Chinese Americans and every other kind of East Asian) all across the country.

Sidney Smith:

In my childhood many neighbors had green or dark blue numbers etched on their arms. My parents made sure I understood what these meant. Max the guy who ran the stationary store, …here called Candy Stores. The place where I got comic books model planes, and yes candy. He survived a Camp. 

The tailor who made my first suits as a boy our milk man,…milk was delivered to your door back then. The couple that ran the grocery store. Irving who drove the ice cream truck in summer. Also Mrs. Geller from the bakery. She made my birthday cakes. All these had survived the Camps. All these wore numbers. This is not remote history. I knew spoke with was given kindness by these, and many who saw, and lived literal hell upon this earth. I learned from them. I am grateful to them.

* Addendum: 

Given how I, and many grew up, and with who. We see the rise of Trump, and his movement with different eyes perhaps than some in this country.