Monday, October 25, 2021

"...Curiouser, and Curiouser"

Was yucky for many days got real interesting after 3:00am so called 911. 'Was barfing blood. Always a sure sign you're not having a good time. Bleep always happens around three. Always. The EMT folks were swell. I want to be one when I grow up. I kind of passed out on da way. I still think I just fell asleep. This got me serious attention when they shoveled out of the meat wagon.
Years ago I had an operation for similar stuff. Was in hospital for near a month. When admitted the tree outside my suite had snow. When discharged it's first buds., ...Swell.
Da upside it wasn't that. Just a real bad acid re-flux. ...seriously bad. Such interesting times we've entered. Anyway they tested drew blood gave me meds let me sleep, and here I am back to piss you off. Thank you Medicare. Another upside I made an appointment for the COVID/Delta booster. See below, latest Heroes.


  1. OMG! Stay Well Uncle!!! Ya hear?!?!

  2. Still feel like shit, but have meds for the worst of it.
    They say time will do it. That, and don't lay off them meds...I won't.
    I was barfing blood. Always a sure sign you're not having a good time.

    Trying a bit of soup, and bread.
    We'll see how that pans out. Bleeping headaches now,...swell.

    I'm watching a live stream of a gal that built a small one room cabin in da Canadian far woods. Lives there with her doggo. Swell gal. Chopping wood, and wandering in hip deep snow, and it's only October.

    She's doing fine, and getting ready for as she puts it, "...the serious snow to come" Hip deep is a flurry where she is.

    This calms me.
    Seeing folks having a heartful life,...and a cool doggo too.
    This far seriously far from machines big cities, and bleep-holes.

  3. Holy shit! I sure hope you feel better.

    I've heard lately that videos of people living in remote places in shelters they built themselves with primitive tools are extremely popular. It seems we need this fancy tech so we can dream about the simple life.



"...Fire Sale!"

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