Sunday, September 26, 2021


Being Queer a Sissy is to have a particular sensitivity to the world. 
I say "Sissy" because not all homosexuals are Queer. 
Some fuck like them, but are not remotely them.

I was born one. I was a Sissy when a young boy. 
I was called "Sensitive".
This by my Mother, and Aunts. 

Other things by boys, on the block, and at school. 
When I was seven 
I knew I had a different seeing. 
A Sissy's seeing.

There was a day in fall. 
The Sky. 
The Colors, and swift Clouds of October. 
I sat in my backyard for hours I think. 

Just watching.

I was uplifted taken away by the wonder of it. 
This in essence is Queerhood.
is the ability to be lost. 
So lost in beauty, and gentleness 
that you forget who you are where you are when you are.

This done without effort. For Queers it just happens.

In most boys, and men it's beaten out of them. 
It's gone.
However with us it's different. 
It's who we are. 
Threaten us beat us all you want.
 We don't lose it we won't change can't change.

The Sky will always be beautiful to us, and we will always say so. 
We will always be taken up, and lost in it.

I wonder how many Sissies 
have been martyred for loving the Sky. 
For loving Color Sweetness Gentleness.

We live. We continue. We always will.
We'll always be here.
As long as there is a sky to love we remain.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...