Monday, July 26, 2021

"...Is the Earth Flat?"

No the Earth is not flat. Anyone can see that. It's more lumpy, and wet than flat. Think a pizza with all that veggies crap heaped on it floating in a lake.

That or a rug with a bunch of gophers sleeping under a rug with a serious leak from upstairs pouring down. Well the gophers under there would have to be nodding out for that to work. I mean if they were moving around there would be earthquakes all the time.
Which may explain the prehistoric stuff when that happened.
It was all caused by giant Gophers living just under the permafrost. Well okay the earth is like the Sheep's Meadow over in the park with a bunch of science fair volcanoes all over it. Plus some mud, and assorted water-main breaks.
Right that about sums it up. question.

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