Friday, July 23, 2021



I'm really tired of the end of the world. I mean com'on just get it done. This slow tease is pissing me off. Sure them fires, and folks choking across a whole continent was a good sign. But then it eases back, and everybody forgets they nearly all just died. 

Same with storms earthquakes floods,...nothing. We forget like it never happened. Near 700,000 folks just died in agony in front of us from a fucking plague in this country, and we already forgot. Half don't even believe it happened.

Speaking of End Time Floods. China got Eight Months of rain in a few days. Flooded big chucks of the place. Folks trapped in subways drowning like rats. Suddenly it's off the front page, and we're treated to celeb bullshit again. 

What da fuck kind of disaster movie is this?! 

People no longer have a memory for anything except trivia. So when something big goes down they forget. In minutes not hours or even days. Soon in moments. They just don't care. If it ain't happened to them it ain't happened. 

Whole states in two countries are on fire at the moment. The continent is covered in the smoke. Yet if you asked these morons what's going on they'd say, ",...huh?"

If ever there was a fucking planet that deserved a big rock to hit it it's this one. If that demented old time religion stuff turns out to be true. I'm not remotely surprised that the Big Guy wipes us out from time to time in utter exasperation!

Enough that's it...get me the fuck out'a here!

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