Thursday, July 22, 2021

"Eh, Dad..."

"Shut up ya little prick."



  1. Yeah... the little prick is right. This is the other nightmare always looming over our heads. Bad enough we have climate disasters and diseases, but the big bang could become a reality at any moment!

  2. Those born after the cold war have no concept of what it was like.
    We could have in our hundreds of millions been vaporized in hours. Overnight whole nations would have been destroyed.

    In the best case the survivors would have short irradiated hungry violent life spans in post nuclear feudal hells.

    People are now severely disconnected from reality.

    They think the world is flat we never went to the moon school shootings never happened COVID was a Chinese hoax, and Obama wasn't a citizen. They live in fantasy zones of lies conspiracies ethnic vengeance, and narrow greed.

    It is not remotely getting better.

    When the 2024 election implodes the best solution would be a breakup of the republic. Let the Nazi white states go their way. The civilized states what few there still are will go ours.


"...Fire Sale!"

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