Saturday, May 29, 2021

"...time, and again"

I was just reading entries from my very first blog. How much, and how little I've changed in 16 years. I was younger healthier but mostly much the same otherwise. Cranky depressed pissed off humorous wondering.

I was, and am so full of fucking shit,...but I mean well. Anyway I'm still pissed, and depressed, but I keep surviving. This is not as nice as it sounds. I think of how everyone sez they want to live forever. This without thinking that through. 

One day it will be 50,000 years from now on a crappy Tuesday, and you'll still be here staring blankly trying to get laid. I have an actual hostility to or at least inpatients with fear, and death.

Not sure why I never feared my own death, but it's consistent. I've been brutally assaulted in my youth by bullies, and cops had very serious injuries illnesses, and tried to off myself several times. Sure I was freaked out, but no fear. That was the last thing on my mind. I might have been a good cop or soldier,...maybe not. I can't hurt anyone.

I gots no wise stuff to end this. I'm just an old weird fed up guy thinking things over. The weather for example. It was fucking 90's for days. Now it's a cold wet night in May towards the end of a plague that's so far killed we now hear 900,000 people in this Republic. That, and it caused a Second Great Depression in fact if not name. 

We're a nation divided in half between those that believe in demented conspiracies, and Neo-Nazi politics, and those that just want to get da fuck home alive. Common place violent acts against Blacks Jews Asians Queers, and all the other usual suspects...toss in the mass shootings for laffs. 

Did I mention there are now new versions of the fucking plague loose in the world? They say the Vaccines will mostly stop them too,...mostly.

I don't know about you, but I'm having a ball.


  1. Here's another "Memorial Day" that most people don't know about:

  2. Nice religious people were killing native children in Canada right up to modern times!

  3. Susan Sontag got it right!

    "The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself."

  4. Also read these quotes from Noel Ignatiev, the Harvard Professor who just died about two years ago:

  5. Another good article on the Tulsa Massacre 100 years ago. It even calls attention to the fact that Bob Dylan referred to it in one of his songs.

  6. The massacre? Eh we know all about that. It happened to us so we know. Always knew. Like Jews we know exactly what happened to us. When where who did it, and how often. Being amazed at this stuff is woke white progressive thing.

    As for the mainstream Stettler folks they don't know, and don't give a fuck. Hell their great great grandpa was probably in on the lynching rapes, and burnings.

    Btw red states are passing laws to prevent stuff like that from ever being taught. Fortunately kids are illiterate, and have a specific hostility to learning history,...any history.

    It's just Nazis, and us Commies that care.
    That, and we'll all be old, and dead soon.

    So kiss history goodbye.

    Look comrade thanks for all these heads up on the lynching porn,...thanks, but I already know. You should post these to your Trump voting Nazi relatives. If you're white you have some. Hell ya do even if ya a Negro these days. ...weird huh?

    Still ya means well, and thanks I mean well too for all the good that does either of us. Also I like boys in my porn.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...